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abstract class FacetapiAdapter in Facet API 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 plugins/facetapi/ \FacetapiAdapter
  2. 6 \FacetapiAdapter
  3. 7.2 plugins/facetapi/ \FacetapiAdapter

Abstract class extended by Facet API adapters.

Adapters are responsible for abstracting interactions with the Search backend that are necessary for faceted search. The adapter is also responsible for retrieving facet information passed by the user via the url processor plugin taking the appropriate action, whether it is checking dependencies for all enabled facets or passing the appropriate query type plugin to the backend so that it can execute the actual facet query.


Expanded class hierarchy of FacetapiAdapter


plugins/facetapi/, line 18
Adapter plugin and adapter related classes.

View source
abstract class FacetapiAdapter {

   * The searcher information as returned by facetapi_get_searcher_info().
   * @var array
  protected $info = array();

   * The search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
   * @var string
  protected $keys;

   * An array of FacetapiFacet objects for facets being rendered.
   * @var array
   * @see FacetapiFacet
  protected $facets = array();

   * An array of FacetapiFacetProcessor objects.
   * @var array
   * @see FacetapiFacetProcessor
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processFacets()
  protected $processors = array();

   * An array of executed query type plugins keyed by field name.
   * @var array
   * @see FacetapiQueryTypeInterface
  protected $queryTypes = array();

   * The url processor plugin associated with this adapter.
   * @var FacetapiUrlProcessor
   * @see FacetapiUrlProcessor
  protected $urlProcessor;

   * An array of active items created by FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems().
   * In order to retrieve data efficiently, the active items are stored in two
   * ways. The "filter" key is an associative array of active items keyed by
   * the raw filter passed through the source, usually in field:value format.
   * The "facet" key is a multidimensional array where the second dimension is
   * keyed by the machine name of the facet and the third dimension is an array
   * of active items keyed by the facet value.
   * The active items are associative arrays containing (but not limited to):
   * - field alias: The facet alias defined in the facet definition.
   * - value: The active value passed through the source (usually $_GET) to
   *   filter the result set.
   * - pos: The zero-based position of the value in the source data. The url
   *   processor plugin uses the "pos" to efficiently remove certain values when
   *   building query strings in FacetapiQueryTypeInterface::getQueryString().
   * Additional keys may be added to this array via the query type plugin's
   * FacetapiQueryTypeInterface::extract() method. For example, date and range
   * query types add the "start" and "end" values of the range.
   * @var array
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems()
  protected $activeItems;

   * A boolean flagging whether the facets have been processed, or built.
   * This variable acts as a per-adapter semaphore that ensures facet data is
   * processed only once.
   * @var boolean
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processFacets()
  protected $processed = FALSE;

   * Stores the search path associated with this searcher.
   * @var string
  protected $searchPath;

   * An array of facets that passed their dependencies.
   * @var array
  protected $dependenciesPassed = array();

   * Stores settings with defaults.
   * @var array
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::getFacetSettings()
  protected $settings = array();

   * Constructs a FacetapiAdapter object.
   * Stores information about the searcher that the adapter is associated with.
   * Registers and instantiates all query type plugins that are associated with
   * the searcher's active facets. Instantiates the url processor plugin
   * associated with this adapter and retrieves facet information from some
   * source, usually $_GET. See the url processor plugin's implementation of
   * FacetapiUrlProcessor::fetchParams() for details on the source containing
   * the facet data.
   * @param array $searcher_info
   *   The searcher information as returned by facetapi_get_searcher_info().
  public function __construct(array $searcher_info) {
    $this->info = $searcher_info;

    // Load and initialize the url processor plugin. Initializing the plugin
    // fetches the data from a source, usually $_GET, and trigger the methods
    // that instantiate the query type plugins and process the active items.
    $this->urlProcessor = $this
      ->loadUrlProcessor($this->info['url processor']);

   * Returns a boolean flagging whether $this->info['searcher'] executed a
   * search.
   * @return boolean
   *   A boolean flagging whether $this->info['searcher'] executed a search.
   * @todo Generic search API should provide consistent functionality.
  public abstract function searchExecuted();

   * Returns a boolean flagging whether facets in a realm should be displayed.
   * Useful, for example, for suppressing sidebar blocks in some cases. Apache
   * Solr Search Integration used this method to prevent blocks from being
   * displayed when the module was configured to render them in the search body
   * on "empty" searches instead of the normal facet location.
   * @param string $realm_name
   *   The machine readable name of the realm.
   * @return boolean
   *   A boolean flagging whether to display a given realm.
   * @todo It appears that no implementing modules are leveraging this anymore.
   *   Let's discuss whether to deprecate this method or even remove it from
   *   future versions of Facet API at
  public abstract function suppressOutput($realm_name);

   * Loads the URL processor associated with this adapter.
   * Use FacetapiAdapter::getUrlProcessor() in favor of this method when getting
   * the adapter for use in other classes. This method is separated out form the
   * constructor for testing purposes only.
   * @param string $id
   *   The machine name of the url processor plugin.
   * @return FacetapiUrlProcessor
   *   An instance of the url processor plugin.
   * @see
  public function loadUrlProcessor($id) {

    // Ensure all required url processor classes are loaded.
    // See
    $plugin_path = dirname(__FILE__);
    require_once $plugin_path . '/';
    require_once $plugin_path . '/';

    // Get the url processor plugin class. If the class for the passed plugin
    // cannot be retrieved, log the error and load the standard plugin.
    if (!($class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'url_processors', $id, 'handler'))) {
      if ('standard' != $id) {
        watchdog('facetapi', 'Url processor plugin "@id" not valid, loading standard plugin.', array(
          '@id' => $id,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'url_processors', 'standard', 'handler');
      else {

        // The plugins are not registered, probably because CTools is weighted
        // heavier than Facet API. It is still unclear why this even matters.
        // Let's raise a call to action and explicitly set the class to prevent
        // fatal errors.
        // @see
        watchdog('facetapi', 'Url processor plugins are not yet registered, loading standard plugin. Please visit <a href="@url">@url</a> for more information.', array(
          '@id' => $id,
          '@url' => '',
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $class = 'FacetapiUrlProcessorStandard';

    // Instantiates and initializes plugin.
    return new $class($this);

   * Extracts, stores, and processes facet data.
   * Wrapper around FacetapiAdapter::setParams() that fetches the params via the
   * url processor plugin from some source, usually $_GET, and passes the filter
   * key that is set in the plugin. This method is useful when the params and
   * filter key are reset directly through the url processor and the active
   * items need to be reprocessed by the adapter.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::setParams()
  public function initUrlProcessor() {
    $params = $this->urlProcessor
    $filter_key = $this->urlProcessor
      ->setParams($params, $filter_key);

   * Processes and stores the extracted facet data.
   * Uses the url processor plugin to normalize the data extracted from the
   * source and store it for later retrieval. Calls the active item processing
   * routine, see FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems() for more details.
   * @param array $params
   *   An array of keyed params, such as $_GET.
   * @param string $filter_key
   *   The array key in $params containing the facet data.
   * @return FacetapiAdapter
   *   An instance of this class.
   * @see FacetapiUrlProcessor::normalizeParams()
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems()
  public function setParams(array $params = array(), $filter_key = 'f') {
    $this->facets = array();
    $normalized = $this->urlProcessor
      ->normalizeParams($params, $filter_key);
      ->setParams($normalized, $filter_key);
    return $this;

   * Processes active facet items.
   * Instantiates the query type plugins for all enabled facets. Extracts active
   * items from the source, usually the query string, and uses the query type
   * plugins to extract any additional information such as the start and end
   * values for ranges.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::setParams()
  public function processActiveItems() {
    $this->activeItems = array(
      'facet' => array(),
      'filter' => array(),

    // Refresh the query type plugins for all enabled facets.
    $this->queryTypes = $this

    // Group enabled facets by facet alias. It is possible for aliases to be
    // common across different facets, although they are usually unique.
    $enabled_aliases = array();
    foreach ($this
      ->getEnabledFacets() as $facet) {
      $enabled_aliases[$facet['field alias']][] = $facet['name'];
      $this->activeItems['facet'][$facet['name']] = array();

    // Get the stored facet data and iterate over the passed values.
    $filter_key = $this->urlProcessor
    $params = $this->urlProcessor
    foreach ($params[$filter_key] as $pos => $filter) {

      // Bail if the value is not a scalar, for example an object or array.
      if (!is_scalar($filter)) {

      // Perform basic parsing of the filter.
      $parts = explode(':', $filter, 2);

      // We need to filter out possible XSS attack function calls.
      foreach ($parts as $id => $part) {
        $parts[$id] = filter_xss($part);
      $field_alias = rawurldecode($parts[0]);
      if (isset($parts[1]) && isset($enabled_aliases[$field_alias])) {
        $filter = $field_alias . ':' . $parts[1];

        // @see
        // Store basic information about the active item. For details on how
        // this array is structured, refer to the FacetapiAdapter::activeItems
        // docblock.
        $item = array(
          'field alias' => $field_alias,
          'value' => $parts[1],
          'pos' => $pos,

        // Initialize and populate the active items. For details on how this
        // array is structured, refer to the FacetapiAdapter::activeItems
        // docblock.
        $this->activeItems['filter'][$filter] = $item;
        $this->activeItems['filter'][$filter]['facets'] = array();
        foreach ($enabled_aliases[$field_alias] as $facet_name) {
          $item += $this->queryTypes[$facet_name]
          $this->activeItems['filter'][$filter]['facets'][] = $facet_name;
          $this->activeItems['facet'][$facet_name][$parts[1]] = $item;

   * Returns an array of instantiated query type plugins for enabled facets.
   * Iterates over the adapter's enabled facets and loads the appropriate query
   * type plugin. If the adapter does not support the plugin, FALSE is set in
   * place of a FacetapiQueryTypeInterface object.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array keyed by facet name to FacetapiQueryTypeInterface
   *   object, FALSE if the query type is not supported by this searcher.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems()
  public function loadQueryTypePlugins() {
    $query_types = array();

    // Gather a whitelist of query type plugins supported by this searcher.
    $plugin_ids = array();
    foreach (ctools_get_plugins('facetapi', 'query_types') as $plugin) {
      if ($this->info['adapter'] == $plugin['handler']['adapter']) {
        $type = call_user_func(array(
        $plugin_ids[$type] = $plugin['handler']['class'];

    // Iterate over enabled facets and instantiate each one's query type plugin.
    foreach ($this
      ->getEnabledFacets() as $facet) {

      // Get the machine name of the query type plugin used by this facet.
      if (1 == count($facet['query types'])) {

        // There is only one query type supported by this facet, so use it.
        $query_type = $facet['query types'][0];
      else {

        // Get query type from settings if there is more than one supported by
        // this facet. For example, some facets only support simple term queries
        // while others also support numeric range queries. In those instances,
        // administrators have to select which one to use in the facet's
        // administrative interface.
        $settings = $this
        $query_type = !empty($settings['query_type']) ? $settings['query_type'] : FALSE;

      // Instantiate the query type plugin if it is in the whitelist of query
      // types supported by the backend. Store objects in an instance variable
      // keyed by the machine name of the facet.
      if ($query_type && isset($plugin_ids[$query_type])) {
        $plugin = new $plugin_ids[$query_type]($this, $facet);
        $query_types[$facet['name']] = $plugin;
      else {
        $query_types[$facet['name']] = FALSE;

    // Return the instantiated query type plugins.
    return $query_types;

   * Return the instantiated url processor plugin.
   * @return FacetapiUrlProcessor
   *   The url processor plugin.
  public function getUrlProcessor() {
    return $this->urlProcessor;

   * Return all active items keyed by raw filter, usually in field:value format.
   * @return array
   *   An array of active filters keyed by raw filter.
  public function getAllActiveItems() {
    return $this->activeItems['filter'];

   * Returns a facet's active items.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @return array
   *   An associative array containing (but not limited to):
   * - field alias: The facet alias defined in the facet definition.
   * - value: The active value passed through the source (usually $_GET) to
   *   filter the result set.
   * - pos: The zero-based position of the value in the source data. The url
   *   processor plugin uses the "pos" to efficiently remove certain values when
   *   building query strings in FacetapiQueryTypeInterface::getQueryString().
   * - ...: Additional keys added to the array by the query type plugin's
   *   FacetapiQueryTypeInterface::extract() method. For example, date and range
   *   query types add the "start" and "end" values of the range.
  public function getActiveItems(array $facet) {
    return isset($this->activeItems['facet'][$facet['name']]) ? $this->activeItems['facet'][$facet['name']] : array();

   * Tests whether a facet item is active by passing it's value.
   * @param string $facet_name
   *   The machine readable name of the facet.
   * @param string $value
   *   The facet item's value.
   * @return int
   *   Returns 1 if the item is active, 0 if it is inactive.
  public function itemActive($facet_name, $value) {
    return (int) isset($this->activeItems['facet'][$facet_name][$value]);

   * Returns the id of the adapter plugin.
   * @return string
   *   The machine readable if of the adapter plugin.
  public function getId() {
    return $this->info['adapter'];

   * Returns the machine readable name of the searcher.
   * @return string
   *   The machine readable name of the searcher.
  public function getSearcher() {
    return $this->info['name'];

   * Returns the type of content indexed by $this->info['searcher'].
   * @return
   *   The type of content indexed by $this->info['searcher'].
  public function getTypes() {
    return $this->info['types'];

   * Returns the path to the the realm's admin settings page.
   * @param string $realm_name
   *   The machine readable name of the realm.
   * @return
   *   The path to the admin settings.
   * @todo This method is too nondescript. It cannot be changed since it is used
   *   heavily by implementing modules, but it should be deprecated in favor of
   *   a method with a more descript name.
  public function getPath($realm_name) {
    return $this->info['path'] . '/facets/' . $realm_name;

   * Returns the search path associated with this searcher.
   * @return string
   *   A string containing the search path.
   * @todo D8 should provide an API function for this.
  public function getSearchPath() {
    if (NULL === $this->searchPath) {

      // Backwards compatibility with apachesolr <= beta8.
      // @see
      foreach (array(
        $this->info['module'] . '_search',
      ) as $module) {
        if ($path = module_invoke($module, 'search_info')) {
          $this->searchPath = 'search/' . $path['path'];
          if (!isset($_GET['keys']) && ($keys = $this
            ->getSearchKeys())) {
            $this->searchPath .= '/' . $keys;
    return $this->searchPath;

   * Sets the search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
   * @param string $keys
   *   The search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
   * @return FacetapiAdapter
   *   An instance of this class.
  public function setSearchKeys($keys) {
    $this->keys = $keys;
    return $this;

   * Gets the search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
   * @return string
   *   The search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
  public function getSearchKeys() {
    return $this->keys;

   * Returns the number of results returned by the search query.
   * @return int
   *   The number of results returned by the search query.
  public function getResultCount() {
    global $pager_total;
    return isset($pager_total[0]) ? $pager_total[0] : 0;

   * Returns the number of results per page.
   * @return int
   *   The number of results per page, or the limit.
  public function getPageLimit() {
    global $pager_limits;
    return isset($pager_limits[0]) ? $pager_limits[0] : 10;

   * Returns the page number of the search result set.
   * @return int
   *   The current page of the result set.
  public function getPageNumber() {
    return pager_find_page() + 1;

   * Returns the total number of pages in the result set.
   * @return int
   *   The total number of pages.
  public function getPageTotal() {
    global $pager_total;
    return isset($pager_total[0]) ? $pager_total[0] : 0;

   * Allows for backend specific overrides to the settings form.
   * @see facetapi_facet_display_form()
  public function settingsForm(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // Nothing to do...

   * Provides default values for the backend specific settings.
   * All settings added via FacetapiAdapter::settingsForm() should have
   * corresponding defaults in this method.
   * @return array
   *   The defaults keyed by setting name to value.
  public function getDefaultSettings() {
    return array();

   * Returns TRUE if the backend supports "missing" facets.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the backend supports "missing" facets, FALSE otherwise.
  public function supportsFacetMissing() {
    return $this->info['supports facet missing'];

   * Returns TRUE if the back-end supports "minimum facet counts".
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the backend supports "minimum facet counts" facets, FALSE
   *   otherwise.
  public function supportsFacetMincount() {
    return $this->info['supports facet mincount'];

   * Allows the backend to add facet queries to its native query object.
   * This method is called by the implementing module to initialize the facet
   * display process. The following actions are taken:
   * - FacetapiAdapter::initActiveFilters() hook is invoked.
   * - Dependency plugins are instantiated and executed.
   * - Query type plugins are executed.
   * @param mixed $query
   *   The backend's native query object.
   * @todo Should this method be deprecated in favor of one name init()? This
   *   might make the code more readable in implementing modules.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::initActiveFilters()
  function addActiveFilters($query) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'facetapi', 'facetapi.callbacks');

    // Invoke initActiveFilters hook.
    foreach ($this
      ->getEnabledFacets() as $facet) {
      $settings = $this

      // Instantiate and execute dependency plugins.
      $display = TRUE;
      foreach ($facet['dependency plugins'] as $id) {
        $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'dependencies', $id, 'handler');
        $plugin = new $class($id, $this, $facet, $settings, $this->activeItems['facet']);
        if (NULL !== ($return = $plugin
          ->execute())) {
          $display = $return;

      // Store whether this facet passed its dependencies.
      $this->dependenciesPassed[$facet['name']] = $display;

      // Execute query type plugin if dependencies were met, otherwise remove
      // the facet's active items so they don't display in the current search
      // block or appear as active in the breadcrumb trail.
      if ($display && $this->queryTypes[$facet['name']]) {
      else {
        foreach ($this->activeItems['facet'][$facet['name']] as $item) {
          $filter = $item['field alias'] . ':' . $item['value'];
        $this->activeItems['facet'][$facet['name']] = array();

   * Hook that allows the backend to initialize its query object for faceting.
   * @param mixed $query
   *   The backend's native object.
  public function initActiveFilters($query) {

    // Nothing to do ...

   * Initializes a new settings object.
   * @param string $name
   *   A string containing the unique name of the configuration.
   * @param string $facet_name
   *   The machine readable name of the facet.
   * @param string $realm_name
   *   A string containing the machine readable name of the realm, NULL if we
   *   are initializing global settings.
   * @return stdClass
   *   An object containing the initialized settings.
   * @see ctools_export_crud_new()
  public function initSettingsObject($name, $facet_name, $realm_name = NULL) {
    $cached_settings = facetapi_get_searcher_settings($this->info['name']);
    if (!isset($cached_settings[$name])) {
      $settings = ctools_export_crud_new('facetapi');
      $settings->name = $name;
      $settings->searcher = $this->info['name'];
      $settings->realm = (string) $realm_name;
      $settings->facet = $facet_name;
      $settings->enabled = 0;
      $settings->hash = facetapi_hash_delta($name);
      $settings->settings = array();
    else {
      $settings = $cached_settings[$name];
    return $settings;

   * Returns realm specific settings for a facet.
   * Realm specific settings usually act on the facet data after it has been
   * returned by the backend, for example the display widget and sort settings.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @param array $realm
   *   The realm definition as returned by facetapi_realm_load().
   * @return stdClass
   *   An object containing the settings.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::initSettingsObject()
   * @see ctools_export_crud_load()
  public function getFacetSettings(array $facet, array $realm) {

    // Build the unique name of the configuration and check whether the setting
    // has already be loaded so defaults are processed only once per setting.
    $name = $this->info['name'] . ':' . $realm['name'] . ':' . $facet['name'];
    if (!isset($this->settings[$name])) {

      // Initialize settings and flag whether it is "new" meaning that all
      // setting defaults are used.
      $this->settings[$name] = $this
        ->initSettingsObject($name, $facet['name'], $realm['name']);
      $is_new = empty($this->settings[$name]->settings);

      // Use realm's default widget if facet doesn't define one.
      if (!empty($facet['default widget'])) {
        $widget = $facet['default widget'];
      else {
        $widget = $realm['default widget'];

      // Apply defaults common across all configs.
      $this->settings[$name]->settings += array(
        'weight' => 0,
        'widget' => $widget,
        'filters' => array(),
        'active_sorts' => array(),
        'sort_weight' => array(),
        'sort_order' => array(),
        'empty_behavior' => 'none',
        'display_count' => TRUE,
        'facet_more_text' => 'Show more',
        'facet_fewer_text' => 'Show fewer',
        'title_override' => 0,
        'title' => $facet['label'],

      // Apply default sort info only if the configuration is "new".
      if ($is_new) {
        $weight = -50;
        foreach ($facet['default sorts'] as $sort => $default) {
          $this->settings[$name]->settings['active_sorts'][$default[0]] = $default[0];
          $this->settings[$name]->settings['sort_weight'][$default[0]] = $weight++;
          $this->settings[$name]->settings['sort_order'][$default[0]] = $default[1];

      // Apply the widget plugin's default settings.
      $id = $this->settings[$name]->settings['widget'];
      $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'widgets', $id, 'handler');

      // If we have an invalid widget, fall back to the realm's default widget.
      if (!$class) {
        $id = $this->settings[$name]->settings['widget'] = $realm['default widget'];
        $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'widgets', $id, 'handler');
      $plugin = new $class($id, $realm, $this
        ->getFacet($facet), $this->settings[$name]);
      $this->settings[$name]->settings += $plugin

      // @todo Save for performance?
    return $this->settings[$name];

   * Returns global settings for a facet.
   * Global settings are usually things that are processed by the backend such
   * as the hard limit or query type. It isn't practical to execute separate
   * search queries per realm to make these settings realm specific, so they
   * are configured globally and reflected across all realms for this searcher.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @return
   *   An object containing the settings.
   * @see ctools_export_crud_load()
  public function getFacetSettingsGlobal(array $facet) {

    // Build the unique name of the configuration and check whether the setting
    // has already be loaded so defaults are processed only once per setting.
    $name = $this->info['name'] . '::' . $facet['name'];
    if (!isset($this->settings[$name])) {

      // Initialize settings and flag whether it is "new" meaning that all
      // setting defaults are used.
      $this->settings[$name] = $this
        ->initSettingsObject($name, $facet['name']);
      $is_new = empty($this->settings[$name]->settings);

      // Ensure the default operator and query type are valid.
      // @see
      $default_query_type = reset($facet['query types']);
      $allowed_operators = array_filter($facet['allowed operators']);
      $default_operator = key($allowed_operators);

      // Apply defaults common across all configs.
      $this->settings[$name]->settings += array(
        'operator' => $default_operator,
        'hard_limit' => 50,
        'dependencies' => array(),
        'facet_mincount' => 1,
        'facet_missing' => 0,
        'flatten' => 0,
        'individual_parent' => 0,
        'query_type' => $default_query_type,

      // Apply the adapter's default settings.
      $this->settings[$name]->settings += $this

      // Apply the URL processor's default settings.
      $this->settings[$name]->settings += $this

      // Applies each dependency plugin's default settings.
      foreach ($facet['dependency plugins'] as $id) {
        if ($is_new) {
          $this->settings[$name]->settings['dependencies'] = array();
        $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('facetapi', 'dependencies', $id, 'handler');
        $plugin = new $class($id, $this, $facet, $this->settings[$name], array());
        $this->settings[$name]->settings['dependencies'] += $plugin

      // @todo Save for performance?
    return $this->settings[$name];

   * Returns enabled facets for the searcher associated with this adapter.
   * @param string $realm_name
   *   The machine readable name of the realm, pass NULL to get the enabled
   *   facets in all realms.
   * @return array
   *   An array of enabled facets.
   * @see facetapi_get_enabled_facets()
  public function getEnabledFacets($realm_name = NULL) {
    return facetapi_get_enabled_facets($this->info['name'], $realm_name);

   * Returns a FacetapiFacet instance for the facet being rendered.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @return FacetapiFacet
   *   The facet rendering object object.
  public function getFacet(array $facet) {
    if (!isset($this->facets[$facet['name']])) {
      $this->facets[$facet['name']] = new FacetapiFacet($this, $facet);
    return $this->facets[$facet['name']];

   * Returns the facet's instantiated query type plugin.
   * @param array|string $facet
   *   Either the facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load() or the
   *   machine readable name of the facet.
   * @return FacetapiQueryTypeInterface|NULL
   *   The instantiated query type plugin, NULL if the passed facet is not valid
   *   or does not have a query type plugin associated with it.
  public function getFacetQuery($facet) {
    $facet_name = is_array($facet) ? $facet['name'] : $facet;
    if (isset($this->queryTypes[$facet_name])) {
      return $this->queryTypes[$facet_name];

   * Maps a facet's index value to a human readable value displayed to the user.
   * @param string $facet_name
   *   The machine readable name of the facet.
   * @param string $value
   *   The raw value passed through the query string.
   * @return string
   *   The mapped value.
  public function getMappedValue($facet_name, $value) {
    if (isset($this->processors[$facet_name])) {
      return $this->processors[$facet_name]
    else {
      return array(
        '#markup' => $value,

   * Returns the processor associated with the facet.
   * @param string $facet_name
   *   The machine readable name of the facet.
   * @return FacetapiFacetProcessor|FALSE
   *   The instantiated processor object, FALSE if the passed facet is not valid
   *   or does not have processor instantiated for it.
  public function getProcessor($facet_name) {
    if (isset($this->processors[$facet_name])) {
      return $this->processors[$facet_name];
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Helper function that returns the query string variables for a facet item.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @param array $values
   *   An array containing the item's values being added to or removed from the
   *   query string dependent on whether or not the item is active.
   * @param int $active
   *   An integer flagging whether the item is active or not.
   * @return array
   *   The query string variables.
   * @see FacetapiUrlProcessor::getQueryString()
  public function getQueryString(array $facet, array $values, $active) {
    return $this->urlProcessor
      ->getQueryString($facet, $values, $active);

   * Helper function that returns the path for a facet link.
   * @param array $facet
   *   The facet definition as returned by facetapi_facet_load().
   * @param array $values
   *   An array containing the item's values being added to or removed from the
   *   query string dependent on whether or not the item is active.
   * @param int $active
   *   An integer flagging whether the item is active or not.
   * @return string
   *   The facet path.
   * @see FacetapiUrlProcessor::getFacetPath()
  public function getFacetPath(array $facet, array $values, $active) {
    return $this->urlProcessor
      ->getFacetPath($facet, $values, $active);

   * Initializes facet builds, sets the breadcrumb trail.
   * Facets are built via FacetapiFacetProcessor objects. Facets only need to be
   * processed, or built, once regardless of how many realms they are rendered
   * in. The FacetapiAdapter::processed semaphore is set when this method is
   * called ensuring that facets are built only once regardless of how many
   * times this method is called.
   * @todo For clarity, should this method be named buildFacets()?
  public function processFacets() {
    if (!$this->processed) {
      $this->processed = TRUE;

      // Initialize each facet's render array. This render array is a common
      // base for all realms and widgets.
      foreach ($this
        ->getEnabledFacets() as $facet) {
        $processor = new FacetapiFacetProcessor($this
        $this->processors[$facet['name']] = $processor;

      // Set the breadcrumb trail if a search was executed.
      if ($this
        ->searchExecuted()) {

   * Uses each facet's widget to build the realm's render array.
   * This array is passed to Drupal's rendering layer for display. The widget
   * plugins are executed to convert the base render arrays constructed by
   * FacetapiAdapter::processFacets() to a realm specific render array.
   * @param string $realm_name
   *   The machine readable name of the realm.
   * @return array
   *   The realm's render array.
   * @see FacetapiAdapter::processFacets()
  public function buildRealm($realm_name) {

    // Bail if realm isn't valid.
    // @todo Call watchdog()?
    if (!($realm = facetapi_realm_load($realm_name))) {
      return array();

    // Make sure facet builds are initialized and breadcrumb trail is set.

    // Add JavaScript, initializes the realm specific render array.
    $build = array(
      '#adapter' => $this,
      '#realm' => $realm,

    // Iterate over the realm's enabled facets and build their render arrays.
    foreach ($this
      ->getEnabledFacets($realm['name']) as $facet) {

      // Continue to the next facet if this one failed its dependencies.
      if (empty($this->dependenciesPassed[$facet['name']])) {

      // Initialize the facet's render array.
      $field_alias = $facet['field alias'];
      $processor = $this->processors[$facet['name']];
      $facet_build = $this
        ->build($realm, $processor);

      // Try to be smart when merging the render arrays. Crazy things happen
      // when merging facets with the same field alias. In these instances we
      // want to merge only the values.
      foreach (element_children($facet_build) as $child) {

        // Bail if there is nothing to render.
        if (!element_children($facet_build[$child])) {

        // Our attempt at merging gracefully.
        if (!isset($build[$child])) {
          $build = array_merge_recursive($build, $facet_build);
        else {
          if (isset($build[$child][$field_alias]) && isset($facet_build[$child][$field_alias])) {
            $build[$child][$field_alias] = array_merge_recursive($build[$child][$field_alias], $facet_build[$child][$field_alias]);
          elseif (isset($build[$child]['#options']) && isset($facet_build[$child]['#options'])) {
            $build[$child]['#options'] = array_merge_recursive($build[$child]['#options'], $facet_build[$child]['#options']);
          else {
            $build = array_merge_recursive($build, $facet_build);
    return $build;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FacetapiAdapter::$activeItems protected property An array of active items created by FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems().
FacetapiAdapter::$dependenciesPassed protected property An array of facets that passed their dependencies.
FacetapiAdapter::$facets protected property An array of FacetapiFacet objects for facets being rendered.
FacetapiAdapter::$info protected property The searcher information as returned by facetapi_get_searcher_info().
FacetapiAdapter::$keys protected property The search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
FacetapiAdapter::$processed protected property A boolean flagging whether the facets have been processed, or built.
FacetapiAdapter::$processors protected property An array of FacetapiFacetProcessor objects.
FacetapiAdapter::$queryTypes protected property An array of executed query type plugins keyed by field name.
FacetapiAdapter::$searchPath protected property Stores the search path associated with this searcher.
FacetapiAdapter::$settings protected property Stores settings with defaults.
FacetapiAdapter::$urlProcessor protected property The url processor plugin associated with this adapter.
FacetapiAdapter::addActiveFilters function Allows the backend to add facet queries to its native query object.
FacetapiAdapter::buildRealm public function Uses each facet's widget to build the realm's render array.
FacetapiAdapter::getActiveItems public function Returns a facet's active items.
FacetapiAdapter::getAllActiveItems public function Return all active items keyed by raw filter, usually in field:value format.
FacetapiAdapter::getDefaultSettings public function Provides default values for the backend specific settings.
FacetapiAdapter::getEnabledFacets public function Returns enabled facets for the searcher associated with this adapter.
FacetapiAdapter::getFacet public function Returns a FacetapiFacet instance for the facet being rendered.
FacetapiAdapter::getFacetPath public function Helper function that returns the path for a facet link.
FacetapiAdapter::getFacetQuery public function Returns the facet's instantiated query type plugin.
FacetapiAdapter::getFacetSettings public function Returns realm specific settings for a facet.
FacetapiAdapter::getFacetSettingsGlobal public function Returns global settings for a facet.
FacetapiAdapter::getId public function Returns the id of the adapter plugin.
FacetapiAdapter::getMappedValue public function Maps a facet's index value to a human readable value displayed to the user.
FacetapiAdapter::getPageLimit public function Returns the number of results per page.
FacetapiAdapter::getPageNumber public function Returns the page number of the search result set.
FacetapiAdapter::getPageTotal public function Returns the total number of pages in the result set.
FacetapiAdapter::getPath public function Returns the path to the the realm's admin settings page.
FacetapiAdapter::getProcessor public function Returns the processor associated with the facet.
FacetapiAdapter::getQueryString public function Helper function that returns the query string variables for a facet item.
FacetapiAdapter::getResultCount public function Returns the number of results returned by the search query. 1
FacetapiAdapter::getSearcher public function Returns the machine readable name of the searcher.
FacetapiAdapter::getSearchKeys public function Gets the search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
FacetapiAdapter::getSearchPath public function Returns the search path associated with this searcher. 1
FacetapiAdapter::getTypes public function Returns the type of content indexed by $this->info['searcher'].
FacetapiAdapter::getUrlProcessor public function Return the instantiated url processor plugin.
FacetapiAdapter::initActiveFilters public function Hook that allows the backend to initialize its query object for faceting.
FacetapiAdapter::initSettingsObject public function Initializes a new settings object.
FacetapiAdapter::initUrlProcessor public function Extracts, stores, and processes facet data.
FacetapiAdapter::itemActive public function Tests whether a facet item is active by passing it's value.
FacetapiAdapter::loadQueryTypePlugins public function Returns an array of instantiated query type plugins for enabled facets.
FacetapiAdapter::loadUrlProcessor public function Loads the URL processor associated with this adapter.
FacetapiAdapter::processActiveItems public function Processes active facet items.
FacetapiAdapter::processFacets public function Initializes facet builds, sets the breadcrumb trail.
FacetapiAdapter::searchExecuted abstract public function Returns a boolean flagging whether $this->info['searcher'] executed a search. 1
FacetapiAdapter::setParams public function Processes and stores the extracted facet data.
FacetapiAdapter::setSearchKeys public function Sets the search keys, or query text, submitted by the user.
FacetapiAdapter::settingsForm public function Allows for backend specific overrides to the settings form.
FacetapiAdapter::supportsFacetMincount public function Returns TRUE if the back-end supports "minimum facet counts".
FacetapiAdapter::supportsFacetMissing public function Returns TRUE if the backend supports "missing" facets.
FacetapiAdapter::suppressOutput abstract public function Returns a boolean flagging whether facets in a realm should be displayed. 1
FacetapiAdapter::__construct public function Constructs a FacetapiAdapter object.