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11 calls to facetapi_adapter_load() in Facet API 7

current_search_block_view in contrib/current_search/
Returns the content for a facet based on the delta.
current_search_check_visibility in contrib/current_search/
Checks whether the block should be displayed.
FacetapiApiFunctions::testAdapterLoad in tests/facetapi.test
Tests the loading of the adapter.
FacetapiTestCase::facetapiLoadObjects in tests/facetapi.test
Returns adapter, realm, and facet objects and base admin path.
facetapi_build_realm in ./facetapi.module
Builds a facet realm.
facetapi_check_block_visibility in ./
Checks whether the block should be displayed.
facetapi_dependencies_load in ./facetapi.module
Loads the dependency plugins associated with the facet.
facetapi_i18n_string_list in ./facetapi.module
Implements hook_i18n_string_list().
facetapi_realm_settings_form in ./
Form constructor for the realm settings form.
facetapi_set_facet_status in ./facetapi.module
Enables or disables a facet for this page load only.
facetapi_test_search_callback in tests/facetapi_test.module
Fake search page callback.