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public function FacetapiApiFunctions::testAdapterLoad in Facet API 7

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  1. 7.2 tests/facetapi.test \FacetapiApiFunctions::testAdapterLoad()

Tests the loading of the adapter.

Performs three tests:

  • A valid adapter can be loaded.
  • An invalid adapter returns FALSE.
  • Only one instance per searcher is loaded.


tests/facetapi.test, line 610
Tests for the Facet API module.


Test cases for low level API functions.


public function testAdapterLoad() {

  // Loads a valid adapter.
  $adapter1 = facetapi_adapter_load('facetapi_test');
  $value = $adapter1 instanceof FacetapiAdapter;
    ->assertTrue($value, t('FacetapiAdapter object loaded via facetapi_adapter_load().'), 'Facet API');

  // Loads an invalid adapter.
  $adapter_bad = facetapi_adapter_load('nonsense');
    ->assertFalse($adapter_bad, t('FacetapiAdapter object loaded via facetapi_adapter_load().'), 'Facet API');

  // Sets a semaphore to see if singleton pattern is implemented.\
  $adapter1->semaphore = 'test';
  $adapter2 = facetapi_adapter_load('facetapi_test');
  $value = isset($adapter2->semaphore) && 'test' == $adapter2->semaphore;
    ->assertTrue($value, t('Singleton pattern implemented by facetapi_adapter_load().'), 'Facet API');