function facetapi_update_7001 in Facet API 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 facetapi.install \facetapi_update_7001()
Hashes all blocks deltas related to Facet API.
- ./
facetapi.install, line 126 - Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Facet API module.
function facetapi_update_7001() {
// Clears the delta cache.
->condition('cid', 'facetapi:delta_map')
// Deletes blocks that are not enabled so they will get re-hashed.
->condition('module', 'facetapi')
->condition('status', 0)
// Rehashes deltas of enabled facet blocks.
$result = db_query("SELECT delta, bid FROM {block} WHERE module = 'facetapi'");
foreach ($result as $record) {
$current_search = FALSE;
// Extracts the searcher, realm name, and facet name from $delta.
// Process the parts from the end in case the searcher includes a ':'.
$parts = explode(':', $record->delta);
$facet_name = array_pop($parts);
$realm_name = array_pop($parts);
$searcher = implode(':', $parts);
// We are viewing the current search block.
if (!$searcher && 'current_search' == $facet_name) {
$current_search = TRUE;
// If we don't have a searcher and we aren't viewing the current search
// block, delta is probably hashed and we should continue to the next one.
if (!$current_search && !$searcher) {
// Let's do some block cleanup. Anything less that 32 chars is NOT a hash
// and doesn't need to be in the database.
if (strlen($record->delta) == 32) {
else {
->condition('bid', $record->bid)
// Hashes the delta and updates.
$delta = substr(drupal_hash_base64($record->delta), 0, 32);
'delta' => $delta,
->condition('module', 'facetapi')
->condition('delta', $record->delta)