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function facetapi_luceneapi_facetapi_facet_alter in Facet API 6

Implementation of hook_facetapi_facets_alter().

Re-implements the logic in facetapi_facetapi_facets_alter() because Search Lucene API uses a different name for the general taxonomy field.

See also



contrib/facetapi_luceneapi/facetapi_luceneapi.module, line 104
The Search Lucene API module's implementation of the the Facet API.


function facetapi_luceneapi_facetapi_facet_alter(&$built, $adapter, $realm) {

  if ('fieldset' == $realm_name && 'node' == $type && isset($built['category'])) {
    $built['category']['#title']       = t('Only in the category(s)');
    $built['category']['#type']        = 'select';
    $built['category']['#multiple']    = TRUE;
    $built['category']['#description'] = '';
    if (isset($built['category']['#weight']) && is_array($built['category']['#weight'])) {
      $built['category']['#weight'] = min($built['category']['#weight']);