function facetapi_luceneapi_termfreqs_get in Facet API 6
Reads termfrequencies from the lookup table to avoid having to calculate it on the fly, which is very performance intensive.
$searcher: A string containing the machine readable name of the searcher module.
$term: A Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term object.
Return value
An array keyed by Lucene document ID to term frequency.
2 calls to facetapi_luceneapi_termfreqs_get()
- FacetapiLuceneapiAdapter::fetch in contrib/
facetapi_luceneapi/ - Overrides the fetch() function, prepopulates the termFreqs cache by calling the facetapi_luceneapi_termfreqs_get() function.
- facetapi_luceneapi_terms_count in contrib/
facetapi_luceneapi/ - Gets the filter counts for an array of terms.
- contrib/
facetapi_luceneapi/, line 66 - Term frequency cache functions.
function facetapi_luceneapi_termfreqs_get($searcher, Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term $term) {
static $cache = array();
// If cache is not populated for the field, reads the field's cached data.
if (!isset($cache[$searcher][$term->field])) {
$variable = 'facetapi:termfreqs_cached:' . $searcher . ':::' . $term->field;
if (!variable_get($variable, FALSE)) {
facetapi_luceneapi_termfreqs_populate($searcher, $term->field);
variable_set($variable, TRUE);
// Reads term frequencies from the database.
$cache[$searcher][$term->field] = array();
$table = '{' . $searcher . '_termfreqs}';
$sql = "SELECT term, termfreqs FROM {$table} WHERE field = '%s'";
if ($result = db_query($sql, array(
))) {
while ($record = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$cache[$searcher][$term->field][$record->term] = array(
'termfreqs' => $record->termfreqs,
'unserialized' => FALSE,
// Returns array of termfreqs, unserializes if necessary.
if (isset($cache[$searcher][$term->field][$term->text])) {
$data =& $cache[$searcher][$term->field][$term->text];
if (empty($data['unserialized'])) {
$data['termfreqs'] = unserialize($data['termfreqs']);
$data['unserialized'] = TRUE;
return $data['termfreqs'];
else {
return array();