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public function CurrentSearchInterfaceTestCase::testFormAccess in Facet API 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 contrib/current_search/tests/current_search.test \CurrentSearchInterfaceTestCase::testFormAccess()

Tests access to callbacks.


contrib/current_search/tests/current_search.test, line 64
Test cases for the Current Search Blocks module.


Test cases for operations taken through the admin UI.


public function testFormAccess() {
  $paths = array(
    'admin/config/search/current_search' => t('list'),
    'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/edit' => t('edit'),
    'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/disable' => t('disable'),
    'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/clone' => t('clone'),
    'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/export' => t('export'),
    'admin/config/search/current_search/item/standard/delete/results' => t('remove item'),

  // Test wheter unprivileged user is denied access to forms.
  foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Unprivileged user does not have access to the @form-name form.', array(
      '@form-name' => $form_name,
    )), 'Facet API');

  // Common message for privileged access checks.
  $privileged_message = t('Privileged user with "@permission" permission is granted access to the @form-name form.');

  // Test whether privileged user is granted access for forms.
  // NOTE: $this->adminUser has "administer search" permission.
  foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
    $args = array(
      '@permission' => 'administer search',
      '@form-name' => $form_name,
      ->assertResponse(200, t($privileged_message, $args));

  // Tests whether privileged user is granted access for forms.
  // Create another user with the "administer facets" permission, test whether
  $facet_admin_user = $this
    'administer facets',
  foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
    $args = array(
      '@permission' => 'administer facets',
      '@form-name' => $form_name,
      ->assertResponse(200, t($privileged_message, $args));