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current_search.test in Facet API 7

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  1. 7.2 contrib/current_search/tests/current_search.test

Test cases for the Current Search Blocks module.


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 * @file
 * Test cases for the Current Search Blocks module.

 * Base class for all Current Search Blocks test cases.
class CurrentSearchTestCase extends FacetapiTestCase {

   * Overrides FacetapiTestCase::setUp().
  public function setUp() {

   * Enables a current search block via the UI.
  public function currentSearchEnableBlock($name = 'standard') {

    // Capture current user, switch to admin user if necessary.
    $account = $this->loggedInUser;
    if ($account != $this->adminUser) {

    // Enables the facet in the "sidebar_first" region.
    $edit = array(
      'blocks[current_search_' . $name . '][region]' => 'sidebar_first',
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/block', $edit, t('Save blocks'));

    // Log back in as original user if necessary.
    if ($account != $this->adminUser) {
      if ($account) {
      else {


 * Test cases for operations taken through the admin UI.
class CurrentSearchInterfaceTestCase extends CurrentSearchTestCase {
  protected $authenticatedUser;
  protected $adminUser;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Administrative UI',
      'description' => 'Tests the UI for Current Search Blocks administrative pages.',
      'group' => 'Current Search Blocks',

   * Tests access to callbacks.
  public function testFormAccess() {
    $paths = array(
      'admin/config/search/current_search' => t('list'),
      'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/edit' => t('edit'),
      'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/disable' => t('disable'),
      'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/clone' => t('clone'),
      'admin/config/search/current_search/list/standard/export' => t('export'),
      'admin/config/search/current_search/item/standard/delete/results' => t('remove item'),

    // Test wheter unprivileged user is denied access to forms.
    foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
        ->assertResponse(403, t('Unprivileged user does not have access to the @form-name form.', array(
        '@form-name' => $form_name,
      )), 'Facet API');

    // Common message for privileged access checks.
    $privileged_message = t('Privileged user with "@permission" permission is granted access to the @form-name form.');

    // Test whether privileged user is granted access for forms.
    // NOTE: $this->adminUser has "administer search" permission.
    foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
      $args = array(
        '@permission' => 'administer search',
        '@form-name' => $form_name,
        ->assertResponse(200, t($privileged_message, $args));

    // Tests whether privileged user is granted access for forms.
    // Create another user with the "administer facets" permission, test whether
    $facet_admin_user = $this
      'administer facets',
    foreach ($paths as $path => $form_name) {
      $args = array(
        '@permission' => 'administer facets',
        '@form-name' => $form_name,
        ->assertResponse(200, t($privileged_message, $args));
  public function testEnableBlock() {

    // Enable the standard current search block via the UI.

    // Test that block is positioned on the search page.
      ->drupalGet('facetapi_test/search', array(
      'query' => array(
        'keys' => 'test',
    $raw = t('Current search');
      ->assertRaw($raw, t('Current search block displayed on search page.'), 'Current Search Blocks');


 * Test cases for operations taken through the admin UI.
class CurrentSearchBugFixTestCase extends CurrentSearchTestCase {
  protected $authenticatedUser;
  protected $adminUser;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Bug Fixes',
      'description' => 'Tests fixed bugs to prevent regressions.',
      'group' => 'Current Search Blocks',

   * Tests bug fixed at
   * @see
  public function testMultipleBlocks() {

    // Enable the standard current search block via the UI.

    // Test that block is positioned on the search page.
      ->drupalGet('facetapi_test/search', array(
      'query' => array(
        'keys' => 'test',
      ->assertRaw('Second current search block', t('Second current search block displayed on search page.'), 'Current Search Blocks');

   * Tests bug fixed at
   * @see
  public function testPluralTranslation() {
    variable_set('facetapi:translator_module', 'facetapi_test');

    // Enable the standard current search block via the UI.

    // Set the result count to 1 to test singular translation.
      ->drupalGet('facetapi_test/search', array(
      'query' => array(
        'keys' => 'test',
        'count' => 1,
    $raw = filter_xss_admin('s:36:"current_search:standard:results:text";');
      ->assertRaw($raw, t('Singular text in current search block is translated.'));

    // Set the result count to 10 to test plural translation.
      ->drupalGet('facetapi_test/search', array(
      'query' => array(
        'keys' => 'test',
        'count' => 10,
    $raw = filter_xss_admin('s:43:"current_search:standard:results:text_plural";');
      ->assertRaw($raw, t('Plural text in current search block is translated.'));

   * Tests bug fixed at
   * @see
   * @see
  public function testCurrentSearchTextEncoding() {
    $raw_text = '<test>';
    $variables = array(
      'text' => $raw_text,
      'wrapper' => 0,

    // Test that the variable is escaped using check_plain().
    $variables['options'] = array(
      'html' => FALSE,
    $sanitized_text = theme('current_search_text', $variables);
      ->assertEqual(check_plain($raw_text), $sanitized_text, t('Text is properly sanitized by the theme_current_search_text() function.'), 'Current Search Blocks');

    // Test that the HTML is not double encoded.
    $variables['options'] = array(
      'html' => TRUE,
    $unsanitized_text = theme('current_search_text', $variables);
      ->assertEqual($raw_text, $unsanitized_text, t('HTML is not double encoded by the theme_current_search_text() function.'), 'Current Search Blocks');



Namesort descending Description
CurrentSearchBugFixTestCase Test cases for operations taken through the admin UI.
CurrentSearchInterfaceTestCase Test cases for operations taken through the admin UI.
CurrentSearchTestCase Base class for all Current Search Blocks test cases.