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function theme_current_search_accessible_markup in Facet API 7

Returns HTML that adds accessible markup to facet links.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • text: The text of the facet link.
  • active: Whether the item is active or not.

See also

1 theme call to theme_current_search_accessible_markup()
theme_current_search_link_active in contrib/current_search/
Returns HTML for an active facet item.


contrib/current_search/, line 198
Theme functions for the Current Search Blocks module.


function theme_current_search_accessible_markup($variables) {
  $vars = array(
    '@text' => $variables['text'],
  $text = $variables['active'] ? t('Remove @text filter', $vars) : t('Apply @text filter', $vars);

  // Add spaces before and after the text, since other content may be displayed
  // inline with this and we don't want the words to run together. However, the
  // spaces must be inside the <span> so as not to disrupt the layout for
  // sighted users.
  return '<span class="element-invisible"> ' . $text . ' </span>';