function current_search_get_searcher_options in Facet API 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.3 contrib/current_search/current_search.module \current_search_get_searcher_options()
- 7.2 contrib/current_search/current_search.module \current_search_get_searcher_options()
Returns an array of searcher options.
Return value
An array of options.
3 calls to current_search_get_searcher_options()
- current_search_form_block_admin_configure_alter in contrib/
current_search/ - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
- current_search_get_default_searcher in contrib/
current_search/ - Gets the default searcher.
- current_search_settings_form in contrib/
current_search/ plugins/ export_ui/ current_search_export_ui.class.php - Define the preset add/edit form.
- contrib/
current_search/ current_search.module, line 166 - Provides an interface for creating blocks containing information about the current search.
function current_search_get_searcher_options() {
$options = array();
foreach (facetapi_get_searcher_info() as $name => $info) {
$options[$name] = $info['label'];
return $options;