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function current_search_get_plugins in Facet API 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 contrib/current_search/current_search.module \current_search_get_plugins()
  2. 7.2 contrib/current_search/current_search.module \current_search_get_plugins()

Returns an array of available current search plugins.

Return value

array An associative array keyed by plugin ID to human readable label.

1 call to current_search_get_plugins()
current_search_settings_form in contrib/current_search/plugins/export_ui/current_search_export_ui.class.php
Define the preset add/edit form.


contrib/current_search/current_search.module, line 150
Provides an interface for creating blocks containing information about the current search.


function current_search_get_plugins() {
  $plugins =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!$plugins) {
    foreach (ctools_get_plugins('current_search', 'items') as $id => $plugin) {
      $plugins[$id] = $plugin['handler']['label'];
  return $plugins;