public function FacebookWallAdminTestCase::testSettings in Facebook Wall 7
Check the main admin form.
- tests/
FacebookWallAdminTestCase.test, line 27 - Test admin functionality of Facebook Wall.
- FacebookWallAdminTestCase
- Test admin functionality of Facebook Wall.
public function testSettings() {
// Load the front page.
// The first fieldset has three fields, a legend and description.
->assertText('APP Setting');
->assertText('In order to get facebook wall post, you had to first enter your APP Key and App Secret Key to get a valid a Access token of FB API.');
// The second fieldset has fields for the access token.
->assertNoFieldByName('facebook_wall_access_token_temp', 'The temporary access token field is not available yet.');
->assertNoFieldByName('facebook_wall_access_token', 'The full access token field is not available yet.');
// The third second fieldset has one field, a legend and description.
->assertText('Page or User Profile');
->assertText('In order to get facebook wall post, you had to first need to have a Access token.');
->assertFieldByName('facebook_wall_page_url', 'me');
// The fourth fieldset has a legend, a description and some fields.
->assertText('Wall Content settings');
->assertText('In order to get facebook wall post, you had to first need to have a Access token.');
->assertFieldByName('facebook_wall_menu_name', 'Facebook Wall Post');
->assertFieldByName('facebook_wall_post_limit', 10);
->assertFieldByName('facebook_wall_width_size_relative', 100);
$edit = array();
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');
->assertText('App ID/ API Key field is required.');
->assertText('App Secret Key field is required.');
->assertNoText('The configuration options have been saved.');
// Submit some values in the form.
$edit = array(
'facebook_wall_app_id' => 'mango',
'facebook_wall_app_secret' => 'watermelon',
->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');
// Make sure the form submitted correctly.
->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');
// The second fieldset has fields for the access token.
->assertFieldByName('facebook_wall_access_token_temp', NULL, 'The temporary access token field is now available.');
->assertNoFieldByName('facebook_wall_access_token', NULL, 'The full access token field is not available yet.');