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Functions in Facebook Wall 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
facebook_wall_access_token ./facebook_wall.module The access token to use. 7 5
facebook_wall_base_url ./facebook_wall.module The base URL for all Graph API requests. 5
facebook_wall_block_info ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_block_info().
facebook_wall_block_view ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_block_view().
facebook_wall_build_feed_url ./facebook_wall.module Generate a Graph API URL string for a page's feed. 2
facebook_wall_build_likes_url ./facebook_wall.module Build the URL to obtain the number of links for the system page. 1
facebook_wall_build_picture_url ./facebook_wall.module Build the URL to obtain the picture for the requested user. 1
facebook_wall_display_posts ./ Facebook wall post content fetcher. 1
facebook_wall_get_expiry ./ Function for getting the expiry time of the User Access Token. 1
facebook_wall_help ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_help().
facebook_wall_install ./facebook_wall.install Implements hook_install().
facebook_wall_menu ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_menu().
facebook_wall_page_info ./ Admin configure form for user Page information. 1
facebook_wall_permission ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_permission().
facebook_wall_settings_form ./ Admin configure form for Facebook login & token access. 1
facebook_wall_settings_form_validate ./ FormAPI validation callback for facebook_wall_settings_form().
facebook_wall_theme ./facebook_wall.module Implements hook_theme().
facebook_wall_uninstall ./facebook_wall.install Implements hook_uninstall().
facebook_wall_update_7100 ./facebook_wall.install Rebuild the menu cache.
facebook_wall_update_7101 ./facebook_wall.install Delete the API Version variable.
_facebook_video_settings ./facebook_wall.module Function to set video auto play setting . 1
_facebook_wall_access_token_permission_info_array ./ List permissions on access token of user. 1
_facebook_wall_ajax_next_wall_post ./ Ajax call to get older FB wall posts. 1
_facebook_wall_error_msg ./facebook_wall.module Generate error message and fetchs FB content. 5
_facebook_wall_get_access_token ./ Extending the User Access Token From 1 Hour to 2 Months. 1
_facebook_wall_graph_api_content ./facebook_wall.module Generate object array of FB Graph API content via CURL request. 1
_facebook_wall_page_info_array ./facebook_wall.module Generate basic FB page or user information content. 2
_facebook_wall_page_likes ./facebook_wall.module Admin configure form for Facebook Page Likes. 1
_facebook_wall_profile_picture ./facebook_wall.module Get FB user profile picture with given FB user id. 2
_facebook_wall_reset_token ./ Function for reset facebook Access tokens. 1 1
_facebook_wall_theme_html_content ./facebook_wall.module Generate HTML content from template file. 3

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