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function _fac_create_search_array in Fast Autocomplete 7

Creates an array with letter combinations to search for.

Return value

array An array with letter combinations.

1 call to _fac_create_search_array()
fac_cron in ./fac.module
Implements hook_cron().


./fac.module, line 493
This file contains the main functions of the Fast Autocomplete module.


function _fac_create_search_array($size) {
  $search_array = array();
  $letters = range('a', 'z');
  $numbers = range('0', '9');
  $chars = array_merge($letters, $numbers);
  $i = 1;
  while ($i <= $size) {
    $temp_array = _fac_keys_sampling($chars, $i);
    $search_array = array_merge($search_array, $temp_array);
  return $search_array;