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Functions in Cache Expiration 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_expire_nid ./ Callback for expire-node drush command. 1
drush_expire_path ./ Callback for expire-path drush command. 1
drush_expire_url ./ Callback for expire-url drush command. 1
expire_admin_settings_form ./ Implementation of the former hook_settings(). 1
expire_cache_derivative ./expire.module Finds all possible paths/redirects/aliases given the root path. 6
expire_comment_delete ./expire.module Implements hook_comment_delete().
expire_comment_insert ./expire.module Implements hook_comment_insert().
expire_comment_publish ./expire.module Implements hook_comment_publish().
expire_comment_unpublish ./expire.module Implements hook_comment_unpublish().
expire_comment_update ./expire.module Implements hook_comment_update().
expire_drush_command ./ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
expire_get_base_urls ./ Get all base url's where this node can appear. 1
expire_get_domains ./ Get domains the node is currently published to 1
expire_get_menu_structure ./expire.module Finds parent, siblings and children of the menu item. UGLY CODE... 1
expire_get_node_references ./ Get a list of nodes linked to the passed node via node_reference. 1
expire_menu ./expire.module Implementation of hook_menu().
expire_node ./expire.module Expires a node from the cache; including related pages. 12
expire_node_delete ./expire.module Implements hook_node_delete().
expire_node_insert ./expire.module Implements hook_node_insert().
expire_node_revision_delete ./expire.module Implements hook_node_revision_delete().
expire_node_update ./expire.module Implements hook_node_update().
expire_normal_path_check ./expire.module 2
expire_print_r ./expire.module Simple print_r to html function 3
expire_requirements ./expire.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
expire_rules_action_flush_url ./ Expire a URL from the page cache. 1
expire_rules_action_info ./ Implementation of hook_rules_action_info().
expire_uninstall ./expire.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
expire_user_delete ./expire.module Implements hook_user_delete
expire_user_insert ./expire.module Implements hook_user_insert
expire_user_update ./expire.module Implements hook_user_update
expire_votingapi_delete ./expire.module Implementation of hook_votingapi_delete().
expire_votingapi_insert ./expire.module Implementation of hook_votingapi_insert().
_expire_votingapi ./expire.module Common expiry logic for votingapi. 2

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