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function hook_expire_urls_alter in Cache Expiration 7.2

Provides possibility to change urls right before they are expired.


$urls: List of internal paths and/or absolute URLs that should be flushed.

Example of array (when base url include option is enabled): array( 'node/1' => '', 'news' => '', );

Example of array (when base url include option is disabled): array( 'node/1' => 'node/1', 'news' => 'news', );

$object_type: Name of object type ('node', 'comment', 'user', etc).

$object: Object (node, comment, user, etc) for which expiration is executes.

See also

1 invocation of hook_expire_urls_alter()
ExpireAPI::executeExpiration in includes/
Executes internal or external cache expiration.


./expire.api.php, line 108
API documentation for Cache Expiration module.


function hook_expire_urls_alter(&$urls, $object_type, $object) {
  if ($object_type == 'node' && isset($urls['node-' . $object->nid])) {
    $urls['node-' . $object->nid] = 'custom-url';