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function _exif_get_data_from_file_uri in Exif 7

Get EXIF data from file or stream wrapper.

Caches the meta data in a static variable so we don't have to process the file several times.


object $exif: Exif class object.

file $file_uri: File or stream wrapper to get EXIF data from.

Return value

array EXIF meta data.

1 call to _exif_get_data_from_file_uri()
_exif_get_image_fields_metadata in ./exif.module


./exif.module, line 225


function _exif_get_data_from_file_uri($exif, $file_uri) {
  $metadata =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($metadata) || !isset($metadata[$file_uri])) {
    if (stream_is_local($file_uri)) {

      // If $file_uri is a local stream pass the real path to
      // Exif::readMetadataTags().
      $absolute_file_path = drupal_realpath($file_uri);
      $metadata[$file_uri] = $exif
    else {

      // If $file_uri is not a local stream copy the file to local temp file and
      // pass that file to Exif::readMetadataTags.
      $tmp_name = drupal_tempnam(file_directory_temp(), 'exif') . '.' . pathinfo($file_uri, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
      if (copy($file_uri, $tmp_name)) {
        $metadata[$file_uri] = $exif
      else {

        // If we failed to create the temporary file make sure we at least
        // return an empty array.
        $metadata[$file_uri] = array();
  return $metadata[$file_uri];