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function filter_example_filter_tips in Examples for Developers 6

Implementation of hook_filter_tips().

This hook allows filters to provide help text to users during the content editing process. Short tips are provided on the content editing screen, while long tips are provided on a separate linked page. Short tips are optional, but long tips are highly recommended.

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filter_example/filter_example.module, line 37
This is an example outlining how a module can be used to define a filter to be run on user-submitted content before it is output to the browser.


function filter_example_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  switch ($delta) {
    case 0:
      if ($long) {
        return t('Every instance of "foo" in the input text will be replaced with "%replacement".', array(
          '%replacement' => variable_get('filter_example_foo_' . $format, 'bar'),
    case 1:
      if ($long) {
        return t('Every instance of the special <time /> tag will be replaced with the current date and time in the user\'s specified time zone.');
      else {
        return t('Use <time /> to display the current date/time.');