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function event_get_offset in Event 5

3 calls to event_get_offset()
event_dst in ./event.module
Display a page with the timezone and daylight savings time regions.
event_nodeapi in ./event.module
hook_nodeapi implementation
event_validate_form_date in ./event.module
Validates the start and end times in a node form submission.


./, line 232


function event_get_offset($zid, $timestamp) {
  $zones = event_get_timezones();
  $zone = $zones[$zid];
  if ($zone['dst_region']) {

    // zone is a region which obeys dst, return correct offset
    return event_is_dst($zone['dst_region'], $timestamp) ? $zone['offset_dst'] : $zone['offset'];
  else {

    // no dst offset for this region
    return $zone['offset'];