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eu-cookie-compliance-popup-info.tpl.php in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 7.2

Template file for consent banner.

When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use the following classes to assign actions to buttons:

agree-button - agree to setting cookies find-more-button - link to an information page

Variables available:

  • $message: Contains the text that will be display within the pop-up
  • $agree_button: Label for the primary/agree button. Note that this is the primary button. For backwards compatibility, the name remains agree_button.
  • $disagree_button: Contains Cookie policy button title. (Note: for historical reasons, this label is called "disagree" even though it just displays the privacy policy.)
  • $secondary_button_label: Contains the action button label. The current action depends on whether you're running the module in Opt-out or Opt-in mode.
  • $primary_button_class: Contains class names for the primary button.
  • $secondary_button_class: Contains class names for the secondary button (if visible).
  • $cookie_categories: Contains a array with cookie categories that can be agreed or disagreed to separately.
  • $save_preferences_button_label: Label text for a button to save the consent preferences. consent category cannot be unchecked.
  • $privacy_settings_tab_label: Label text for the Privacy settings tab.
  • $withdraw_button_on_info_popup: Show the withdraw button on this popup.
  • $method: Chosen consent method.


View source

 * @file
 * Template file for consent banner.
 * When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use
 * the following classes to assign actions to buttons:
 * agree-button      - agree to setting cookies
 * find-more-button  - link to an information page
 * Variables available:
 * - $message:  Contains the text that will be display within the pop-up
 * - $agree_button: Label for the primary/agree button. Note that this is the
 *   primary button. For backwards compatibility, the name remains agree_button.
 * - $disagree_button: Contains Cookie policy button title. (Note: for
 *   historical reasons, this label is called "disagree" even though it just
 *   displays the privacy policy.)
 * - $secondary_button_label: Contains the action button label. The current
 *   action depends on whether you're running the module in Opt-out or Opt-in
 *   mode.
 * - $primary_button_class: Contains class names for the primary button.
 * - $secondary_button_class: Contains class names for the secondary button
 *   (if visible).
 * - $cookie_categories: Contains a array with cookie categories that can be
 *   agreed or disagreed to separately.
 * - $save_preferences_button_label: Label text for a button to save the consent
 *   preferences.
 *   consent category cannot be unchecked.
 * - $privacy_settings_tab_label: Label text for the Privacy settings tab.
 * - $withdraw_button_on_info_popup: Show the withdraw button on this popup.
 * - $method: Chosen consent method.
if ($privacy_settings_tab_label) {
  <button type="button" class="eu-cookie-withdraw-tab"><?php

  print $privacy_settings_tab_label;

$classes = array(
  'eu-cookie-compliance-banner--' . str_replace('_', '-', $method),
<div class="<?php

print implode(' ', $classes);
  <div class="popup-content info">
    <div id="popup-text">

print $message;

if ($disagree_button) {
        <button type="button" class="find-more-button eu-cookie-compliance-more-button"><?php

  print $disagree_button;


if ($cookie_categories) {
      <div id="eu-cookie-compliance-categories" class="eu-cookie-compliance-categories">

  foreach ($cookie_categories as $key => $category) {
          <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-category">
              <input type="checkbox" name="cookie-categories" id="cookie-category-<?php

    print drupal_html_class($key);

    print $key;

    if (in_array($category['checkbox_default_state'], array(
    ))) {


    if ($category['checkbox_default_state'] === 'required') {

    ?> >
              <label for="cookie-category-<?php

    print drupal_html_class($key);

    print check_plain($category['label']);

    if (isset($category['description'])) {
            <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-category-description"><?php

      print check_plain($category['description']);



  //end for

  if ($save_preferences_button_label) {
          <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-categories-buttons">
            <button type="button"

    print $save_preferences_button_label;



    <div id="popup-buttons" class="<?php

if ($cookie_categories) {

      <button type="button" class="<?php

print $primary_button_class;

print $agree_button;

if ($secondary_button_label) {
        <button type="button" class="<?php

  print $secondary_button_class;
  ?>" ><?php

  print $secondary_button_label;
