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eu-cookie-compliance-popup-info.tpl.php in EU Cookie Compliance (GDPR Compliance) 7

Template file for consent banner.

When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use the following classes to assign actions to buttons:

agree-button - agree to setting cookies find-more-button - link to an information page

Variables available:

  • $message: Contains the text that will be display within the pop-up
  • $agree_button: Label for the primary/agree button. Note that this is the primary button. For backwards compatibility, the name remains agree_button.
  • $disagree_button: Contains Cookie policy button title. (Note: for historical reasons, this label is called "disagree" even though it just displays the privacy policy.)
  • $secondary_button_label: Contains the action button label. The current action depends on whether you're running the module in Opt-out or Opt-in mode.
  • $primary_button_class: Contains class names for the primary button.
  • $secondary_button_class: Contains class names for the secondary button (if visible).
  • $cookie_categories: Contains a array with cookie categories that can be agreed or disagreed to separately.
  • $save_preferences_button_label: Label text for a button to save the consent preferences. consent category cannot be unchecked.
  • $privacy_settings_tab_label: Label text for the Privacy settings tab.
  • $withdraw_button_on_info_popup: Show the withdraw button on this popup.
  • $method: Chosen consent method.


View source

 * @file
 * Template file for consent banner.
 * When overriding this template it is important to note that jQuery will use
 * the following classes to assign actions to buttons:
 * agree-button      - agree to setting cookies
 * find-more-button  - link to an information page
 * Variables available:
 * - $message:  Contains the text that will be display within the pop-up
 * - $agree_button: Label for the primary/agree button. Note that this is the
 *   primary button. For backwards compatibility, the name remains agree_button.
 * - $disagree_button: Contains Cookie policy button title. (Note: for
 *   historical reasons, this label is called "disagree" even though it just
 *   displays the privacy policy.)
 * - $secondary_button_label: Contains the action button label. The current
 *   action depends on whether you're running the module in Opt-out or Opt-in
 *   mode.
 * - $primary_button_class: Contains class names for the primary button.
 * - $secondary_button_class: Contains class names for the secondary button
 *   (if visible).
 * - $cookie_categories: Contains a array with cookie categories that can be
 *   agreed or disagreed to separately.
 * - $save_preferences_button_label: Label text for a button to save the consent
 *   preferences.
 *   consent category cannot be unchecked.
 * - $privacy_settings_tab_label: Label text for the Privacy settings tab.
 * - $withdraw_button_on_info_popup: Show the withdraw button on this popup.
 * - $method: Chosen consent method.
if ($privacy_settings_tab_label) {
  <button type="button" class="eu-cookie-withdraw-tab"><?php

  print $privacy_settings_tab_label;

$classes = array(
  'eu-cookie-compliance-banner--' . str_replace('_', '-', $method),
<div class="<?php

print implode(' ', $classes);
  <div class="popup-content info">
    <div id="popup-text">

print $message;

if ($disagree_button) {
        <button type="button" class="find-more-button eu-cookie-compliance-more-button"><?php

  print $disagree_button;


if ($cookie_categories) {
      <div id="eu-cookie-compliance-categories" class="eu-cookie-compliance-categories">

  foreach ($cookie_categories as $key => $category) {
          <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-category">
              <input type="checkbox" name="cookie-categories" id="cookie-category-<?php

    print drupal_html_class($key);

    print $key;

    if (in_array($category['checkbox_default_state'], array(
    ))) {


    if ($category['checkbox_default_state'] === 'required') {

    ?> >
              <label for="cookie-category-<?php

    print drupal_html_class($key);

    print filter_xss($category['label']);

    if (isset($category['description'])) {
            <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-category-description"><?php

      print filter_xss($category['description']);



  //end for

  if ($save_preferences_button_label) {
          <div class="eu-cookie-compliance-categories-buttons">
            <button type="button"

    print $save_preferences_button_label;



    <div id="popup-buttons" class="<?php

if ($cookie_categories) {

      <button type="button" class="<?php

print $primary_button_class;

print $agree_button;

if ($secondary_button_label) {
        <button type="button" class="<?php

  print $secondary_button_class;
  ?>" ><?php

  print $secondary_button_label;
