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11 uses of ESI_MODE in ESI: Edge Side Includes 6.2

context_reaction_esi_block::build_block in plugins/
esi_add_cache_headers in ./esi.module
esi_admin_settings_form in ./
Admin settings form
esi_esi_cache_get_cache in plugins/cache/
Get cached content.
esi_get_page_cache in ./esi.module
esi_init in ./esi.module
Implementation of hook_init().
esi_panels_pane_content_alter in ./esi.module
Implementation of hook_pane_content_alter().
esi_set_page_cache in ./esi.module
esi_theme_registry_alter in ./esi.module
Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter(). Override theme('blocks') to apply our ESI handler.
esi__theme_blocks in ./
Replacement for core theme function: thene_blocks
theme_esi_tag in ./
Create the ESI-tag for a particular block.