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esi.module in ESI: Edge Side Includes 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 esi.module

Adds support for ESI (Edge-Side-Include) integration, allowing blocks to be\ delivered by ESI, with support for per-block cache times.


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 * @file
 *   Adds support for ESI (Edge-Side-Include) integration, allowing blocks to be\
 *   delivered by ESI, with support for per-block cache times.

// Tested against 1.7.2 of the ctools API.
define('ESI_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API', '1.7.2');

// Default setting: enabled & ESI.
define('ESI_MODE', TRUE);

// Default to using ajax as a fallback if ESI is disabled.

// Default to not using a CDN for AJAX fragments.
define('ESI_CDN_AJAX', FALSE);

// Default to using the cache_page bin to hold ESI html for fast delivery.

// Default interval for rotating the seed key: defaults to change-daily.

// Default value to see if the CACHE=* is in place when the page is served.

// Default max age for blocks: 5 minutes.

// Default scope for blocks: Disabled.

// Default max age for panels: 5 minutes.

// Default scope for panels: User Role.

// ESI setting constants.
define('ESI__CONFIG_ESI', 1);
define('ESI__CONFIG_SSI', 2);
define('ESI__CONFIG_AJAX', 3);

// Setting that allows for the override of $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] when loading
// the context for blocks.

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function esi_theme() {
  return array(
    'esi_tag' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'type' => NULL,
        'data' => NULL,
      'file' => '',

 * Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
 * Override theme('blocks') to apply our ESI handler.
function esi_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  if (!variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE)) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'esi');
  $panels_callbacks = array(
  foreach ($panels_callbacks as $pane_callback) {

    // override the default theme function for theme('panels_pane').
    if (isset($theme_registry[$pane_callback])) {
      $theme_registry['esi_alt_' . $pane_callback] = $theme_registry[$pane_callback];
      $theme_registry[$pane_callback]['function'] = 'esi_theme_' . $pane_callback;
      $theme_registry[$pane_callback]['file'] = '';
      $theme_registry[$pane_callback]['include files'] = array(
      $theme_registry[$pane_callback]['theme path'] = $path;
      $theme_registry[$pane_callback]['theme paths'] = array(
  if (module_exists('context')) {
    $name = 'context';
    $context_path = drupal_get_path('module', $name) . '/' . $name . '.info';
    $info = drupal_parse_info_file($context_path);
    if (isset($info['version']) && strpos($info['version'], '6.x-3.') !== FALSE) {

  // override the default theme function for theme('blocks').
  $theme_registry['blocks']['function'] = 'esi__theme_blocks';
  $theme_registry['blocks']['file'] = '';
  $theme_registry['blocks']['include files'] = array(
  $theme_registry['blocks']['theme path'] = $path;
  $theme_registry['blocks']['theme paths'] = array(

 * See if the block/pane has been esi-ed.
 * @param $content
 *   html that gets passed to the theme function.
function esi_theme_is_esied($content) {

  // Content starts with "<esi:include src".
  // OR content ends with "class="esi-ajax"></div>".
  // OR content starts with "<!--# include virtual=".
  if (strpos($content, '<esi:include src=') === 0 || strpos($content, 'class="esi-ajax"></div>') === strlen($content) - 23 || strpos($content, '<!--# include virtual=') === 0) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Implementation of hook_init().
function esi_init() {

  // Set RSESS/USESS cookie if not set and user is logged in.
  global $user;
  if (!empty($user->uid) && (empty($_COOKIE['R' . session_name()]) || empty($_COOKIE['U' . session_name()]))) {
    $edit = '';
    esi_user('login', $edit, $user);

  // If ESI or AJAX Fallback is disabled then do not add in the esi.js file.
  if (!variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE) || !variable_get('esi_ajax_fallback', ESI_AJAX_FALLBACK)) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/esi.js');

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
 *   Define a menu-handler.
function esi_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['esi/block/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'ESI handler',
    'page callback' => 'esi__block_handler',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['esi/panels_pane/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'ESI handler',
    'page callback' => 'esi__panel_pane_handler',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['admin/settings/esi'] = array(
    'title' => 'ESI Settings',
    'description' => 'Configure ESI Default Settings',
    'page callback' => 'esi_admin_page',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  $items['admin_menu/flush-cache/esi'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'esi_admin_flush_cache',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_admin_menu().
 * Add in a cache flush for esi.
function esi_admin_menu(&$deleted) {
  $links = array();
  $links[] = array(
    'title' => 'ESI: cache_page',
    'path' => 'admin_menu/flush-cache/esi',
    'query' => 'destination',
    'parent_path' => 'admin_menu/flush-cache',
  return $links;

 * Implementation of hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
 * Add in a cache flush for esi.
function esi_admin_menu_output_alter(&$content) {
  if (!empty($content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['#access']) && !empty($content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['requisites']) && empty($content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['esi'])) {
    $content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['esi'] = $content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['requisites'];
    $content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['esi']['#title'] = t('ESI: cache_page');
    $content['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['esi']['#href'] = 'admin_menu/flush-cache/esi';

 * Implementation of hook_cron().
 * Every interval, rotate the seed (used to generate the role-cookie).
 * (Each rotation will invalidate the varnish-cache for cached pre-role blocks).
function esi_cron() {
  $age = time() - variable_get('esi_seed_key_last_changed', 0);
  $interval = variable_get('esi_seed_key_rotation_interval', ESI_SEED_ROTATION_INTERVAL);
  if ($age > $interval) {
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';

 * Implementation of hook_user().
 *   For maximum cache-efficiency, the proxy must be able to identify the roles
 *   held by a user.  A cookie is used which provides a consistent hash for
 *   all users who share the same roles.
 *   For security, the hash uses a random seed which is rotated (by hook_cron)
 *   at regular intervals - defaults to daily.
function esi_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {

  // only respond to login/logout.
  if (!($op == 'login' || $op == 'logout')) {

  // Drupal session cookies use the name 'SESS' followed by an MD5 hash.
  // The role-cookie is the same, prefixes with the letter 'R'.
  $cookie_params = session_get_cookie_params();
  $role_cookie = $cookie_params + array(
    'name' => 'R' . session_name(),
  $user_cookie = $cookie_params + array(
    'name' => 'U' . session_name(),
  if ($op == 'login') {
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';
    $role_hash = _esi__get_roles_hash(array_keys($account->roles));
    $user_hash = esi_get_user_hash($account->uid);
    $lifespan = max(variable_get('esi_seed_key_rotation_interval', ESI_SEED_ROTATION_INTERVAL), ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'));
    $role_cookie += array(
      'value' => $role_hash,
      'expire' => time() + $lifespan,
    $user_cookie += array(
      'value' => $user_hash,
      'expire' => time() + $lifespan,
  else {
    $role_cookie += array(
      'value' => 'deleted',
      'expire' => 1,
    $user_cookie += array(
      'value' => 'deleted',
      'expire' => 1,
  drupal_alter('esi_role_cookie', $role_cookie, $op, $account);
  drupal_alter('esi_user_cookie', $user_cookie, $op, $account);
  setcookie($role_cookie['name'], $role_cookie['value'], $role_cookie['expire'], $role_cookie['path'], $role_cookie['domain']);
  setcookie($user_cookie['name'], $user_cookie['value'], $user_cookie['expire'], $user_cookie['path'], $user_cookie['domain']);

 * Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * for block_admin_configure
 *   Add ESI-configuration options to the block-config pages.
function esi_form_block_admin_configure_alter(&$form, $form_state) {

  // TODO: describe how the cache configs can be configured as defaults in code.
  // load our helper functions
  require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';
  $module = $form['module']['#value'];
  $delta = $form['delta']['#value'];
  $config = esi_get_settings($module . '_' . $delta);
  $element['esi_config'] = array(
    '#title' => t('ESI settings'),
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#description' => t('Control how this block is cached on an ESI-enabled reverse proxy.'),
    '#tree' => TRUE,
  $element['esi_config']['scope'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Cache Scope'),
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => array(
      0 => 'Disabled',
      1 => 'Not Cached',
      2 => 'Global',
      3 => 'Page',
      4 => 'User Role',
      5 => 'User Role/Page',
      6 => 'User ID',
      7 => 'User ID/Page',
    '#default_value' => $config['scope'],
    '#description' => t('Disabled - Do not use ESI. <br />Not Cached - Use ESI, but never cache the content. <br />Global - Content is same on every page. <br />Page - Content changes based on the URL. <br />User Role - Content changes based on the user role. <br />User Role/Page - Content changes based on the user role as well as the URL. <br />User ID - Content changes based on the UID; otherwise it is the same as global. <br />User ID/Page - Content changes based on the UID and based on the URL.'),
  $max_age = $config['max_age'];
  $element['esi_config']['max_age'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Cache Maximum Age (TTL)'),
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => esi_max_age_options($max_age),
    '#default_value' => $max_age,
    '#description' => t('External page caches (proxy/browser) will not deliver cached paged older than this setting; time to live in short.'),
  $widget_vis = "\n\$(esi_update_visibility);\n\$(function(){ \$('#edit-esi-config-scope').change(function (){esi_update_visibility();})});\nfunction esi_update_visibility() {\n  var esi_scope = \$('#edit-esi-config-scope').val();\n  if (esi_scope == '0' || esi_scope == '1') {\n    \$('#edit-esi-config-max-age-wrapper').hide();\n  }\n  else {\n    \$('#edit-esi-config-max-age-wrapper').show();\n  }\n}";
  drupal_add_js($widget_vis, 'inline');

  // inject our ESI config-fieldset onto the form,
  // just after the 'block_settings' fieldset.
  $i = 1;
  foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
    if ($key == 'block_settings') {
  $f = array_slice($form, 0, $i);
  $f += $element;
  $f += array_slice($form, $i);
  $form = $f;

  // add a submit-handler to save our config.
  $form['#submit'][] = 'esi__block_config_save';

 * Form-submit handler for ESI settings in block-config
function esi__block_config_save($form, $form_state) {
  require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';
  $module = $form_state['values']['module'];
  $delta = $form_state['values']['delta'];
  $config = array();
  $config['max_age'] = (int) $form_state['values']['esi_config']['max_age'];
  $config['scope'] = (int) $form_state['values']['esi_config']['scope'];

  // Save the settings.
  esi_get_settings($module . '_' . $delta, $config);

 * Menu handler for ESIs
 * Render a particular block.
function esi__block_handler($bid, $page = NULL) {

  // Expect the bid format to be theme:region:module:delta
  if (substr_count($bid, ':') !== 3) {
    return FALSE;
  list($passed_theme, $region, $module, $delta) = explode(':', $bid);
  require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';
  global $custom_theme, $theme_key, $user;

  // Save this page's internal URL.
  $last_arg = explode('/', $_GET['q']);
  $last_arg = array_pop($last_arg);

  // Block content may change per-page.
  // If this is true for the current block, the origin page url should be
  // provided as an argument.
  if (isset($page) && strpos($page, 'CACHE=') !== 0) {
    $q = base64_decode($page);
    if ($q == "") {
      $q = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
    $_GET['q'] = $q;
    if (variable_get('esi_override_request_uri', ESI_OVERRIDE_REQUEST_URI)) {
      $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $GLOBALS['base_path'] . $q;

  // Load up the ESI configuration for this block.
  $config = esi_get_settings($module . '_' . $delta);
  $current_user = $user;

  // Use user 0 if the scope is global or page.
  if ($config['scope'] == 2 || $config['scope'] == 3) {
    $user = user_load(0);

  // Theme set-up.
  // We need to do this manually, because output is echo'd instead of returned.
  $custom_theme = $passed_theme;
  $theme_key = $passed_theme;

  // Get the block and theme it.
  $block = _esi__get_block($passed_theme, $region, $module, $delta);
  if (!empty($block)) {
    $output = theme('block', $block);
  else {
    $output = esi_fast404('block');

  // Pass PER-USER or PER-ROLE cache info to varnish.
  // No-cache is header max age (TTL) controlled.
  // Per-page is passed as a url argument.
  esi_add_cache_headers($config['scope'], $config['max_age']);
  echo $output;
  $user = $current_user;
  esi_set_page_cache($output, $config['scope'], $last_arg);
function esi_add_cache_headers($scope, $max_age) {

  // Nginx follows rfc2616 section 14.9.1 correctly and will not cache if
  // header is set to private. The given Varnish VCL does not follow the RFC,
  // and for ajax we want to use private.
  $user_cache_control_header = variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE) == ESI__CONFIG_SSI ? 'public' : 'private';
  switch ($scope) {

    // Disabled.
    case 0:

    // Do no cache.
    case 1:
      drupal_set_header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, max-age=0");

    // Global Scope.
    case 2:

    // Page Scope.
    case 3:
      drupal_set_header("Cache-Control: public, max-age={$max_age}");

    // User Role.
    case 4:

    // User Role/Page.
    case 5:
      drupal_set_header("Cache-Control: {$user_cache_control_header}, max-age={$max_age}");
      drupal_set_header("X-BLOCK-CACHE: " . BLOCK_CACHE_PER_ROLE);

    // User ID.
    case 6:

    // User ID/Page.
    case 7:
      drupal_set_header("Cache-Control: {$user_cache_control_header}, max-age={$max_age}");
      drupal_set_header("X-BLOCK-CACHE: " . BLOCK_CACHE_PER_USER);

 * Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function esi_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {

  // Safety: go away if CTools is not at an appropriate version.
  if (!module_invoke('ctools', 'api_version', ESI_REQUIRED_CTOOLS_API)) {
  if ($module == 'page_manager' || $module == 'panels' || $module == 'ctools') {
    return 'plugins/' . $plugin;

 * Implementation of hook_pane_content_alter().
 * If the pane isn't being served up by the ESI menu handler, and is set to use
 * ESI-caching, replace with ESI tag.
 * This needs to be handled in hook_pane_content_alter() - i.e. after the
 * content has been processed - because the cache object needs the meta-data
 * provided by ctype-render handler, such as module, delta, etc.
 * Subsequent requests are pulled from the system-cache.
function esi_panels_pane_content_alter(&$content, $pane, $args, $context) {
  require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';

  // Bail out if it's not handled by ESI.
  if (empty($pane->cache['method']) || $pane->cache['method'] != 'esi' || !variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE) || !is_object($content) || isset($content->content) && esi_theme_is_esied($content->content)) {

  // Code for external ESI blocks
  if ($pane->cache['settings']['external'] === 1) {
    $content->content = theme('esi_tag', 'external', $pane);
  else {
    $content->content = theme('esi_tag', 'panel', $pane);
  if (!isset($content->module)) {
    $content->module = $pane->type;
  if (!isset($content->delta)) {
    $content->delta = $pane->subtype;

 * Menu handler to serve individual panel-panes via ESI.
 * If the pane uses context, the task_name, context_string and q variables will
 * be set.
function esi__panel_pane_handler($bid, $page = NULL, $task_name = NULL, $context_string = NULL) {

  // Expect the bid format to be theme:display_id:pane_id
  if (substr_count($bid, ':') !== 2) {
    return FALSE;
  list($passed_theme, $display_id, $pane_id) = explode(':', $bid);
  global $custom_theme, $theme_key, $user;

  // Save this page's internal URL.
  $last_arg = explode('/', $_GET['q']);
  $last_arg = array_pop($last_arg);

  // Set context.
  if (isset($page) && strpos($page, 'CACHE=') !== 0) {
    $q = base64_decode($page);
    if ($q == "") {
      $q = variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
    $_GET['q'] = $q;

  // theme set-up.
  // we need to do this manually, because output is echo'd instead of returned.
  $custom_theme = $passed_theme;
  $theme_key = $passed_theme;
  $display = panels_load_display($display_id);
  if (!is_null($task_name)) {

    // Get the context for this pane.
    list($args, $contexts) = esi__panels_get_task_context($task_name);
    $display->context = $contexts;
    $display->args = $args;

  // Switch ESI off so the contents of the pane are served.
  $config = $display->content[$pane_id]->cache;

  // Load in defaults if missing.
  if (!isset($config['settings']['max_age'])) {
    $config['settings']['max_age'] = (int) variable_get('esi_panel_default_max_age', ESI_PANEL_DEFAULT_MAX_AGE);
  if (!isset($config['settings']['scope'])) {
    $config['settings']['scope'] = (int) variable_get('esi_panel_default_scope', ESI_PANEL_DEFAULT_SCOPE);
  $current_user = $user;

  // Use user 0 if the scope is global or page.
  if ($config['settings']['scope'] == 2 || $config['settings']['scope'] == 3) {
    $user = user_load(0);
  if (!function_exists('panels_get_renderer_handler')) {
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'panels') . '/includes/';

  // Use the standard renderer to render the pane.
  $renderer = panels_get_renderer_handler('standard', $display);
  if (!empty($renderer->display->content[$pane_id]->access['plugins'])) {
    $renderer->display->content[$pane_id]->access['plugins'] = array_filter($renderer->display->content[$pane_id]->access['plugins'], "filter_out_path_visibility_access");
  $output = '';
  if (!empty($renderer->prepared['panes'][$pane_id])) {
    $output .= $renderer
  else {
    $output .= esi_fast404('panel');
  esi_add_cache_headers($config['settings']['scope'], $config['settings']['max_age']);
  echo $output;
  $user = $current_user;

  // Cache the ESI output.
  esi_set_page_cache($output, $config['settings']['scope'], $last_arg);
function filter_out_path_visibility_access($e) {
  return $e['name'] != "path_visibility";

 * Each of the panel task plugins provides a default context based on the menu
 * path.
 * This function looks up the menu handler for a URL, and provides the contexts
 * for the menu-handler.
function esi__panels_get_task_context($task_name) {
  $task = page_manager_get_task($task_name);

  // Invoke the module's hook_esi_get_context_arguments to get the context
  // provided by that task.
  $context_arguments = module_invoke($task['module'], 'esi_get_context_arguments', $task['name']);

  // Parse the arguments into context objects.
  $contexts = ctools_context_handler_get_task_contexts($task, '', $context_arguments);
  return array(

 * Implementation of hook_esi_get_context, provided for page_manager.
function page_manager_esi_get_context_arguments($task_name) {
  switch ($task_name) {

    // The blog, poll, and contact_site tasks don't provide default context.
    case 'blog':
    case 'poll':
    case 'contact_site':
      return array();

    // The blog_user, and contact_user tasks provide a user-object.
    case 'blog_user':
    case 'contact_user':
      $uid = arg(1);
      $account = user_load($uid);
      return array(

    // The comment_reply task provide a node object and a comment CID.
    case 'comment_reply':

      // Path is comment/reply/%node
      $nid = arg(2);
      $pid = arg(3);
      $node = node_load($nid);
      return array(

    // The node_edit and node_view tasks provide a node object.
    case 'node_edit':
    case 'node_view':
      $nid = arg(1);
      $node = node_load($nid);
      return array(
    case 'search':

    // @TODO.
    // return array($keys);
    case 'term_view':

 * Implements hook_context_plugins to define our custom block context plugin
 * @return array
function esi_context_plugins() {
  $plugins = array();
  $plugins['context_reaction_esi_block'] = array(
    'handler' => array(
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/plugins',
      'file' => '',
      'class' => 'context_reaction_esi_block',
      'parent' => 'context_reaction_block',
  return $plugins;

 * Implements hook_context_registry_alter to use our custom block context plugin
 * to output ESI tags instead of the block
 * @param $registry array
function esi_context_registry_alter(&$registry) {
  if (isset($registry['reactions']['block'])) {
    $registry['reactions']['block']['plugin'] = 'context_reaction_esi_block';

 * Generate a fast 404
 * @return
 *   Blank page.
function esi_fast404($msg = '') {
  global $base_path;
  if (!headers_sent()) {
    drupal_set_header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found');
    drupal_set_header('X-ESI: Failed To Render. ' . $msg);
  $output = '';

  //   $output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">' . "\n";
  //   $output .= '<html>';
  //   $output .= '<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>';
  //   $output .= '<body><h1>Not Found</h1>';
  //   $output .= '<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>';
  //   $output .= '<p><a href="' . $base_path . '">Home</a></p>';
  $output .= '<!-- esi_fast404 -->';

  //   $output .= '</body></html>';
  return $output;
function esi_set_page_cache($data, $scope, $last_arg) {
  global $base_root;
  if (!variable_get('esi_page_cache', ESI_PAGE_CACHE)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE)) {
    return FALSE;
  require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'esi') . '/';
  switch ($scope) {

    // Disabled or not cached.
    case 0:
    case 1:
      return FALSE;

    // Global or page.
    case 2:
    case 3:

    // User level.
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:

      // Cache only if the last argument of the URL contains CACHE=*.
      if (strpos($last_arg, 'CACHE=') !== 0) {
        return FALSE;
  if (variable_get('page_compression', TRUE) && extension_loaded('zlib')) {
    $data = gzencode($data, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
  if (_esi_get_drupal_distribution() !== 'drupal') {
    $cache = (object) array(
      'cid' => 'esi:' . $base_root . request_uri(),
      'data' => $data,
      'expire' => CACHE_TEMPORARY,
      'created' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'],
      'headers' => array(),

    // Restore preferred header names based on the lower-case names returned
    // by drupal_get_header().
    $header_names = _drupal_set_preferred_header_name();
    foreach (drupal_get_header() as $name_lower => $value) {
      $cache->headers[$header_names[$name_lower]] = $value;
    return cache_set($cache->cid, $cache->data, 'cache_page', $cache->expire, serialize($cache->headers));
  else {
    return cache_set('esi:' . $base_root . request_uri(), $data, 'cache_page', CACHE_TEMPORARY, drupal_get_headers());
function esi_get_page_cache() {
  global $base_root;
  if (!variable_get('esi_page_cache', ESI_PAGE_CACHE)) {
    return NULL;
  if (!variable_get('esi_mode', ESI_MODE)) {
    return NULL;
  $cid = 'esi:' . $base_root . request_uri();

  // Only try the cache for these paths.
  if (strpos($cid, '/esi/block/') === FALSE && strpos($cid, '/esi/panels_pane/') === FALSE) {
    return NULL;

  // See if this is cached.
  $cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache_page');
  if (empty($cache)) {
    header('X-Drupal-ESI-Cache: MISS');
    return NULL;

  // Unserialize headers if they are serialized.
  $headers = @unserialize($cache->headers);
  if ($headers === FALSE && $cache->headers !== 'b:0;') {
    $headers = $cache->headers;
  if (!is_array($headers)) {
    $headers = explode("\n", $headers);

  // Parse headers.
  $max_age = -1;
  foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {

    // Get the max age.
    if (stripos($header, 'Cache-Control: ') === 0 && stripos($header, 'max-age=') !== FALSE || strcasecmp($key, 'Cache-Control') == 0 && stripos($header, 'max-age=') !== FALSE) {
      $max_age = (int) substr($header, strpos($header, 'max-age=') + 8);

    // Set the server protocol.
    if (strpos($header, ':status: ') === 0) {
      $header = str_replace(':status:', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], $header);
    if (strcasecmp($key, ':status') == 0) {
      $headers[$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']] = $header;

  // Check the max age.
  $time = (int) isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time();
  if (empty($max_age) || $time - (int) $cache->created > $max_age) {
    header('X-Drupal-ESI-Cache: EXPIRED' . $max_age);
    return NULL;

  // Deal with compression.
  $page_compression = variable_get('page_compression', TRUE) && extension_loaded('zlib');
  $return_compressed = variable_get('page_compression', TRUE) && extension_loaded('zlib') && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE;
  $headers[] = 'Etag: "' . $cache->created . '-' . intval($return_compressed) . '"';
  if ($page_compression) {
    header('Vary: Accept-Encoding', FALSE);

    // If page_compression is enabled, the cache contains gzipped data.
    if ($return_compressed) {
      ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0');
      $headers[] = 'Content-Encoding: gzip';
    else {

      // The client does not support compression, so unzip the data in the
      // cache. Strip the gzip header and run uncompress.
      $cache->data = gzinflate(substr(substr($cache->data, 10), 0, -8));
      $headers[] = 'X-PF-Uncompressing: 1';

  // Send contents if everything works out.
  $headers[] = 'X-Drupal-ESI-Cache: HIT';
  foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
    if (is_numeric($key)) {
    else {
      header($key . ': ' . $header);
  return $cache->data;
function esi_boot() {
  if ($cache = esi_get_page_cache()) {
    echo $cache;


Namesort descending Description
esi_admin_menu Implementation of hook_admin_menu().
esi_admin_menu_output_alter Implementation of hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
esi_context_plugins Implements hook_context_plugins to define our custom block context plugin
esi_context_registry_alter Implements hook_context_registry_alter to use our custom block context plugin to output ESI tags instead of the block
esi_cron Implementation of hook_cron(). Every interval, rotate the seed (used to generate the role-cookie). (Each rotation will invalidate the varnish-cache for cached pre-role blocks).
esi_ctools_plugin_directory Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
esi_fast404 Generate a fast 404
esi_form_block_admin_configure_alter Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). for block_admin_configure Add ESI-configuration options to the block-config pages.
esi_init Implementation of hook_init().
esi_menu Implementation of hook_menu(). Define a menu-handler.
esi_panels_pane_content_alter Implementation of hook_pane_content_alter().
esi_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
esi_theme_is_esied See if the block/pane has been esi-ed.
esi_theme_registry_alter Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter(). Override theme('blocks') to apply our ESI handler.
esi_user Implementation of hook_user(). For maximum cache-efficiency, the proxy must be able to identify the roles held by a user. A cookie is used which provides a consistent hash for all users who share the same roles. For security, the hash uses a random…
esi__block_config_save Form-submit handler for ESI settings in block-config
esi__block_handler Menu handler for ESIs
esi__panels_get_task_context Each of the panel task plugins provides a default context based on the menu path. This function looks up the menu handler for a URL, and provides the contexts for the menu-handler.
esi__panel_pane_handler Menu handler to serve individual panel-panes via ESI.
page_manager_esi_get_context_arguments Implementation of hook_esi_get_context, provided for page_manager.
