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esi.module in ESI: Edge Side Includes 7.3

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  1. 6.2 esi.module

Adds support for ESI (Edge-Side-Include) integration, allowing components\ to be delivered by ESI, with support for per-component cache times.

Architectural philosophy:

  • The ESI module provides a base API, but does not serve ESIs by itself.
  • Each ESI component (a block, a panel pane, etc) will require different approaches for: a) removing the original content from the page delivery. b) replacing the content with an ESI tag. c) dictating the level of context required to rebuild the original component when delivering an ESI fragment. d) constructing an ESI URL which contains all the required context information. Therefore, each ESI component will typically be a module by itself. Separating components into individual modules will also help performance: for example, sites which don't use panels will not be required to load hooks and handlers for ESI-panels integration.
  • Each ESI component will have a menu path in the format: /esi/{$esi_component_name}/any/context/information/required
  • ESI fragments will be delivered using a minimalist delivery method - drupal_deliver_html_page() is not required or used; it is replaced by esi_deliver_esi_component().
  • ESI's primary use-case is integration with Varnish, so the module is optimised and primarily tested against Varnish (Varnish versions 2.x and 3.x).
  • Some components - for example, blocks - may vary according to user-roles. Caching those fragments separately could unnecessarily increase the size of cache needed, because the user's session cookie doesn't provide role information to a proxy. ESI provides a role cookie (and has an API to provide any arbitrary context cookie) to allow proxies more-granular control over fragment-cacheing. This will almost-certainly require custom configuration of the proxy (the example VCLs demonstrate this for Varnish) and some proxies may not have this capability, so will typically have a lower cache-hit rate and may require a larger cache size to compensate.
  • Components typically vary by user, role, and page. Of these, page context is usually provided in the ESI URL, users will already have a SESS cookie, but roles do not expose context to external proxies. Core ESI module provides a role cookie (via an API) to provide role context. Contexts can be GET/SET/ROTATED.


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 * @file
 *   Adds support for ESI (Edge-Side-Include) integration, allowing components\
 *   to be delivered by ESI, with support for per-component cache times.
 * Architectural philosophy:
 * - The ESI module provides a base API, but does not serve ESIs by itself.
 * - Each ESI component (a block, a panel pane, etc) will require different
 *   approaches for:
 *   a) removing the original content from the page delivery.
 *   b) replacing the content with an ESI tag.
 *   c) dictating the level of context required to rebuild the original
 *      component when delivering an ESI fragment.
 *   d) constructing an ESI URL which contains all the required context
 *      information.
 *   Therefore, each ESI component will typically be a module by itself.
 *   Separating components into individual modules will also help performance:
 *   for example, sites which don't use panels will not be required to load
 *   hooks and handlers for ESI-panels integration.
 * - Each ESI component will have a menu path in the format:
 *   /esi/{$esi_component_name}/any/context/information/required
 * - ESI fragments will be delivered using a minimalist delivery method -
 *   drupal_deliver_html_page() is not required or used; it is replaced by
 *   esi_deliver_esi_component().
 * - ESI's primary use-case is integration with Varnish, so the module is
 *   optimised and primarily tested against Varnish (Varnish versions 2.x and
 *   3.x).
 * - Some components - for example, blocks - may vary according to user-roles.
 *   Caching those fragments separately could unnecessarily increase the size
 *   of cache needed, because the user's session cookie doesn't provide role
 *   information to a proxy.  ESI provides a role cookie (and has an API to
 *   provide any arbitrary context cookie) to allow proxies more-granular
 *   control over fragment-cacheing. This will almost-certainly require custom
 *   configuration of the proxy (the example VCLs demonstrate this for Varnish)
 *   and some proxies may not have this capability, so will typically have a
 *   lower cache-hit rate and may require a larger cache size to compensate.
 * - Components typically vary by user, role, and page. Of these, page context
 *   is usually provided in the ESI URL, users will already have a SESS cookie,
 *   but roles do not expose context to external proxies. Core ESI module
 *   provides a role cookie (via an API) to provide role context.
 *   Contexts can be GET/SET/ROTATED.

// Default TTL for all components served by ESI is 5 minutes.
define('ESI_DEFAULT_TTL', 300);

// Default render mode is to use an ESI tag.
define('ESI_DEFAULT_RENDER_MODE', 'esi');

// Enable the AJAX fallback by default.

// By default, do not alter the ESI URLs when AJAX rendering.

// Default interval for rotating the seed key: change each day by default.

// By default, user context-cookies are hardened.

// When ESI sets cookies, prefix the cookie name with 'ESI_' by default.

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function esi_flush_caches() {

  // No cache-tables to report.
  // @TODO: Instruct expire to flush URLs if configured to do so.

 * Implements hook_element_info().
function esi_element_info() {
  $types['esi'] = array(
    '#url' => '',
    '#mode' => '',
    '#pre_render' => array(
    '#theme' => 'esi_tag',
  return $types;

 * Prerender handler to load the correct render function for an ESI tag.
function esi_prerender_esi_tag($element) {
  if (empty($element['#mode'])) {
    $element['#mode'] = variable_get('esi_render_mode', ESI_DEFAULT_RENDER_MODE);
  if ($render_function = esi_get_tag_render_function($element['#mode'])) {
    $element['#children'] = $render_function($element['#url']);
  return $element;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function esi_theme() {
  return array(
    'esi_tag' => array(
      'render element' => 'element',

 * Implements hook_init().
function esi_init() {

  // Add the AJAX fallback handler, if it's enabled.
  if (variable_get('esi_ajax_fallback', ESI_DEFAULT_AJAX_FALLBACK)) {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'esi');

    // Contextualize the URLs, if required.
    // Drupal.ESI.contextualize_URLs
    if (variable_get('esi_ajax_fallback_contextualize_url', ESI_DEFAULT_AJAX_FALLBACK_CONTEXTUALIZE_URL)) {
      $harden_cookies = variable_get('esi_harden_cookie_key', ESI_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_COOKIES_HARDENING);
      $setting = array(
        'ESI' => array(
          'cookie_prefix' => variable_get('esi_cookie_name_prefix', ESI_DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX),
          'cookie_suffix' => $harden_cookies ? '_' . session_name() : '',
          'contextualize_URLs' => TRUE,
      drupal_add_js($setting, 'setting');

 * Implements hook_boot().
function esi_boot() {

  // Set context cookies if not set and user is logged in.
  global $user;

  // ESI will *always* set a cookie in order to determine if cookies need to be
  // resent. That cookie's name will be:
  // ESI_:                    if the "Harden cookie key" setting is disabled.
  // ESI_{_32-char-MD5-hash}: if the "Harden cookie key" setting is enabled.
  $sessify = variable_get('esi_harden_cookie_key', TRUE);
  $session_name = $sessify ? '_' . session_name() : '';

  // Expect *at least* an "ESI_{$session_name}" cookie.
  // Use this as the basis for refreshing context cookies.
  if ($user->uid && empty($_COOKIE["ESI_{$session_name}"])) {


 * Implementation of hook_cron().
 * Every interval, rotate the seed (used to generate the context-cookies).
 * (Each rotation will invalidate the varnish-cache for previously-cached
 * contexts).
function esi_cron() {
  $age_of_current_seed = time() - variable_get('esi_seed_key_last_changed', 0);
  $interval = variable_get('esi_seed_key_rotation_interval', ESI_SEED_ROTATION_INTERVAL);
  if ($age_of_current_seed > $interval) {

 * Implements hook_menu().
function esi_menu() {
  $items = array();

  // An ESI component must be provided with all the parameters required to
  // reconstruct the required context.
  $items['esi/%esi_component'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'esi_handle_component',
    'page arguments' => array(
    // @TODO: allow menu-handler to be locked down, for example controlling
    // access by a HTTP header sent by the proxy.
    'access callback' => TRUE,
    'delivery callback' => 'esi_deliver_esi_component',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',

  // Add a high-level menu entry for admin_menu/flush-cache/esi.
  // This allows the ESI module to integrate with the admin_menu module and
  // provide a link to clear ESI caches.
  $items['admin_menu/flush-cache/esi'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'esi_admin_menu_flush_cache',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'flush caches',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/config/development/esi'] = array(
    'title' => 'ESI',
    'description' => 'Configure the default TTL, type of ESI tag and other ESI settings',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
 * Integrate with admin_menu to add a cache flush for ESI.
function esi_admin_menu_output_alter(&$admin_menu) {

  // Add an entry for resetting the ESI caches.
  $destination = drupal_get_destination();
  if ($admin_menu['icon'] && isset($admin_menu['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']) && is_array($admin_menu['icon']['icon']['flush-cache'])) {
    $admin_menu['icon']['icon']['flush-cache']['esi'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Edge-side Includes'),
      '#href' => 'admin_menu/flush-cache/esi',
      '#options' => array(
        'query' => $destination,

 * Menu-wildcard loader for %esi_component.
function esi_component_load($component) {
  $components = esi_get_components();

  // Do not return FALSE: even if the requested component is not valid, allow
  // the menu handler to return control to esi_handle_component() in order to
  // return a custom ESI 404.  Having an entire theme Drupal 404 page embedded
  // within another Drupal page would not be desirable.
  return array_key_exists($component, $components) ? $components[$component] : NULL;

 * Implements hook_user_login().
function esi_user_login(&$edit, $account) {

 * Implements hook_user_logout().
function esi_user_logout($account) {

  // Remove all the cookies that have been created.
  $cookie_data = esi__get_cookie_data($account);

  // Transmit the cookies.
  foreach ($cookie_data as $cookie) {
    setcookie($cookie['name'], 'removed', 1, $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'], $cookie['secure'], $cookie['httponly']);

 * Implements hook_esi_mode().
function esi_esi_mode() {
  return array(
    'esi' => array(
      'title' => 'ESI tag',
      'render' => 'esi_esi_tag',
    'esi_comment' => array(
      'title' => 'Comment-wrapped ESI tag',
      'render' => 'esi_esi_comment_tag',
    'ssi' => array(
      'title' => 'SSI tag',
      'render' => 'esi_ssi_tag',
    'ssi_remote' => array(
      'title' => 'SSI remote tag',
      'render' => 'esi_ssi_remote_tag',

 * List all the modules which implement hook_esi_component_info().
function esi_get_components() {
  if ($result = cache_get('esi_component_info')) {
    return $result->data;
  else {
    $components = array();

    // Invoke hook_esi_component_info().
    foreach (module_implements('esi_component_info') as $module) {
      foreach (module_invoke($module, 'esi_component_info') as $key => $component) {

        // Modules may specify an include file.
        // Provide a default include path (if the module doesn't provide one).
        if (!empty($component['file']) && empty($component['filepath'])) {
          $component['filepath'] = drupal_get_path('module', $module);

        // Use the key supplied by the module, rather than the module name.
        // This allows modules to override other implementations if required.
        $components[$key] = $component;
    drupal_alter('esi_component_info', $components);
    cache_set('esi_component_info', $components);
    return $components;

 * Get the function callback which is used to render an ESI element for a
 * particular mode (for example, render as ESI vs SSI).
function esi_get_tag_render_function($mode) {
  $render_modes = esi_get_modes();
  if (!empty($render_modes[$mode])) {
    return $render_modes[$mode]['render'];

 * Get the possible modes of rendering an ESI tag.
 * @see hook_esi_mode().
function esi_get_modes() {
  $modes =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (empty($modes)) {
    if (!($result = cache_get('esi_modes'))) {
      $modes = module_invoke_all('esi_mode');
      drupal_alter('esi_mode', $modes);
      cache_set('esi_mode', $modes);
  return $modes;

 * Get a list of possible max age (ttl) choices.
 * @param optional Int $current_max_age
 * The defined max age might not amongst the pre-defined options.  Adding the
 * current max age as a parameter allows it to be added to the list of options,
 * ensuring the current configuration doesn't get overridden.
 * @return Array
 * Array of potential max-age choices. The key is the TTL (in seconds) and the
 * value is the human-readable description of that TTL.
function esi_max_age_options($current_max_age = NULL) {
  if (is_null($current_max_age)) {
    $current_max_age = variable_get('esi_default_ttl', ESI_DEFAULT_TTL);
  $options = drupal_map_assoc(array(
    86400 * 2,
    86400 * 3,
    86400 * 4,
    86400 * 5,
    86400 * 6,
    86400 * 7,
  ), 'format_interval');

  // If the given max age isn't one of our options, add the current max age as a custom option.
  if (!isset($options[$current_max_age])) {
    $options[$current_max_age] = t('Custom: @time', array(
      '@time' => format_interval($current_max_age),
    ), array(
      'context' => 'Cache Duration',
  $options[0] = '<' . t('none', array(), array(
    'context' => 'Cache Duration',
  )) . '>';
  return $options;

 * Set the cookies to track current ESI contexts.
function esi__set_user_contexts($account) {
  $cookie_data = esi__get_cookie_data($account);

  // Transmit the cookies.
  foreach ($cookie_data as $cookie) {
    setcookie($cookie['name'], $cookie['value'], $cookie['expire'], $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'], $cookie['secure'], $cookie['httponly']);

 * Get all the relevant cookie data for an account.
function esi__get_cookie_data($account) {
  $cookie_data = array();

  // Allow other modules to generate context for this user.
  $contexts = esi__get_user_contexts($account);

  // Use the same path/domain/secure/httponly params as the main site config.
  $params = session_get_cookie_params();
  $expire = $params['lifetime'] ? REQUEST_TIME + $params['lifetime'] : 0;
  $cookie_name_prefix = variable_get('esi_cookie_name_prefix', ESI_DEFAULT_COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX);

  // If support for the AJAX fallback with contextualized URLs is needed, then
  // the ESI cookies must be accessible to JavaScript.
  $ajax_with_contextualize_urls = variable_get('esi_ajax_fallback', ESI_DEFAULT_AJAX_FALLBACK) && variable_get('esi_ajax_fallback_contextualize_url', ESI_DEFAULT_AJAX_FALLBACK_CONTEXTUALIZE_URL);
  if ($ajax_with_contextualize_urls) {
    $params['httponly'] = FALSE;
  foreach ($contexts as $key => $context) {

    // Each context has the session key appended to it, to ensure site-
    // specifity.
    $cookie_data[] = array(
      'name' => $cookie_name_prefix . $key,
      'value' => $context,
      'expire' => $expire,
      'path' => $params['path'],
      'domain' => $params['domain'],
      'secure' => $params['secure'],
      'httponly' => $params['httponly'],

  // Allow other modules to alter the contexts.
  // This is where the context gets encrypted against the rotating seed.
  drupal_alter('esi_context_cookies', $cookie_data);

  // Add a *consistent* cookie, so that hook_boot() can determine if a cache-
  // refresh is necessary.
  $cookie_data[] = array(
    'name' => 'ESI_',
    'value' => time(),
    'expire' => $expire,
    'path' => $params['path'],
    'domain' => $params['domain'],
    'secure' => $params['secure'],
    'httponly' => $params['httponly'],

  // The ESI cookie names are predictable. They can be made less predictable,
  // by using the same session-naming convention as core - adding a hash of the
  // domain name as a suffix.
  // See drupal_settings_initialize() where the session name is initialized.
  $harden_esi_cookies = variable_get('esi_harden_cookie_key', ESI_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_COOKIES_HARDENING);
  if ($harden_esi_cookies) {
    $session_name = '_' . session_name();
    foreach ($cookie_data as &$cookie) {
      $cookie['name'] .= $session_name;
  return $cookie_data;

 * Get the ESI contexts for a single user.
function esi__get_user_contexts($account = NULL) {

  // Invoke hook_esi_context().
  $contexts = module_invoke_all('esi_context', $account);
  drupal_alter('esi_context', $contexts, $account);
  return $contexts;

 * Implements hook_esi_context().
function esi_esi_context($account) {
  global $user;
  return array(
    // Add a role context.
    'ROLE' => implode(',', array_keys($user->roles)),
    // Add a user context (to match the primary session key).
    'USER' => session_id(),

 * Implements hook_esi_context_cookies_alter().
function esi_esi_context_cookies_alter(&$cookie_data) {
  $seed = _esi__get_seed();

  // Encrypt each value according to the current seed key.
  foreach ($cookie_data as &$cookie) {
    $cookie['value'] = md5($seed . md5($cookie['value']));

 * Render an ESI tag.
function esi_esi_tag($url) {
  return '<esi:include src="' . $url . '" />';

 * Render a comment-wrapped ESI tag.
function esi_esi_comment_tag($url) {
  return '<!--esi' . PHP_EOL . esi_esi_tag($url) . PHP_EOL . '-->';

 * Render an SSI tag.
function esi_ssi_tag($url) {
  return '<!--# include virtual="' . $url . '" -->';

 * Render a remote SSI tag (as used by mod_publisher).
function esi_ssi_remote_tag($url) {
  return '<!--# include url="' . $url . '" -->';

 * Get the current short-term rotating-seed, which provides the security that
 * users with expired credentials have limited access to secured data.
 * @return String
 * The new 32-character seed key.
function _esi__get_seed() {

  // Attempt to load the current seed key.
  $seed = variable_get('esi_seed_key', FALSE);

  // If the seed hasn't yet been set, or is too old, rotate the key.
  $age = variable_get('esi_seed_key_last_changed', 0);
  if (empty($seed) || $age < variable_get('esi_seed_key_rotation_interval', ESI_SEED_ROTATION_INTERVAL)) {
    $seed = _esi__rotate_seed_key();
  return $seed;

 * Rotate the seed key.
 * @return String
 * The new 32-character seed key.
function _esi__rotate_seed_key() {
  $seed = '';
  for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {

    // get a random character from the printable ASCII character set: 32-126
    $seed .= chr(mt_rand(32, 126));
  variable_set('esi_seed_key', $seed);
  variable_set('esi_seed_key_last_changed', time());
  return $seed;


Namesort descending Description
esi_admin_menu_output_alter Implements hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
esi_boot Implements hook_boot().
esi_component_load Menu-wildcard loader for %esi_component.
esi_cron Implementation of hook_cron(). Every interval, rotate the seed (used to generate the context-cookies). (Each rotation will invalidate the varnish-cache for previously-cached contexts).
esi_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
esi_esi_comment_tag Render a comment-wrapped ESI tag.
esi_esi_context Implements hook_esi_context().
esi_esi_context_cookies_alter Implements hook_esi_context_cookies_alter().
esi_esi_mode Implements hook_esi_mode().
esi_esi_tag Render an ESI tag.
esi_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
esi_get_components List all the modules which implement hook_esi_component_info().
esi_get_modes Get the possible modes of rendering an ESI tag.
esi_get_tag_render_function Get the function callback which is used to render an ESI element for a particular mode (for example, render as ESI vs SSI).
esi_init Implements hook_init().
esi_max_age_options Get a list of possible max age (ttl) choices.
esi_menu Implements hook_menu().
esi_prerender_esi_tag Prerender handler to load the correct render function for an ESI tag.
esi_ssi_remote_tag Render a remote SSI tag (as used by mod_publisher).
esi_ssi_tag Render an SSI tag.
esi_theme Implements hook_theme().
esi_user_login Implements hook_user_login().
esi_user_logout Implements hook_user_logout().
esi__get_cookie_data Get all the relevant cookie data for an account.
esi__get_user_contexts Get the ESI contexts for a single user.
esi__set_user_contexts Set the cookies to track current ESI contexts.
_esi__get_seed Get the current short-term rotating-seed, which provides the security that users with expired credentials have limited access to secured data.
_esi__rotate_seed_key Rotate the seed key.
