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function _entityreference_autofill_get_wrapper in Entity reference autofill 7

Get wrapper id for a field.


string $entity_type: form entity type.

string $bundle: entity bundle.

string $field_name: field name.

Return value

string field wrapper html id.

2 calls to _entityreference_autofill_get_wrapper()
entityreference_autofill_field_attach_form in ./entityreference_autofill.module
Implements hook_field_attach_form().
entityreference_autofill_populate_form_by_field in ./entityreference_autofill.module
Populate other form fields with respect to this module's field settings.


./entityreference_autofill.module, line 392
Entity reference autofill module.


function _entityreference_autofill_get_wrapper($entity_type, $bundle, $field_name, $parents = array()) {
  return 'entityreference-autofill-' . $entity_type . '-' . $bundle . '--' . implode('-', $parents) . '-' . $field_name;