function entityreference_autocreate_feeds_set_target in Entityreference Autocreate 7
Entity reference callback for mapping.
When the callback is invoked, $target contains the name of the field the user has decided to map to and $value contains the value of the feed item element the user has picked as a source.
StdClass $source: A FeedsSource object.
StdClass $entity: The entity to map to.
string $target: The target key on $entity to map to.
array $value: The value to map. MUST be an array.
array $mapping: Array of mapping settings for current value.
bool $input_format: TRUE if an input format should be applied.
1 string reference to 'entityreference_autocreate_feeds_set_target'
- entityreference_autocreate_feeds_processor_targets_alter in ./ - Announce that we know how to set data on an entityreference field.
- ./, line 74 - Feeds mapping implementation for the Entity reference module.
function entityreference_autocreate_feeds_set_target($source, $entity, $target, $value, $mapping = array(), $input_format = FALSE) {
// Don't do anything if we weren't given any data.
if (empty($value)) {
// Assume that the passed in value could really be any number of values.
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = $value;
else {
$values = array(
// Get some useful field information.
$field_info = field_info_field($target);
// Set the language of the field depending on the mapping.
$language = isset($mapping['language']) ? $mapping['language'] : LANGUAGE_NONE;
// Iterate over all values.
$iterator = 0;
// Re-use the existing field data if it's set.
$field = isset($entity->{$target}) ? $entity->{$target} : array();
foreach ($values as $value) {
// Only process if this value was set for this instance.
if ($value) {
// Use the same processes that autocomplete would,
// scan for a nid inside ()
// or look for an exact text mach
// or if not found, make one up.
// Abort if more than one exact match was returned.
// If the widget is tags style, the title string may need exploding,
// and we may create more than one entry.
// ASSUME this may need to happen each time, as it's really hard to tell
// if it really should. tags is a widget setting and we know nothing
// about the widget.
$titles = drupal_explode_tags($value);
// Will at least be an array of 1.
foreach ($titles as $title) {
if ($target_id = entityreference_autocreate_get_entity_by_title($field_info, $title)) {
$field[$language][$iterator]['target_id'] = $target_id;
else {
// Failed to create the target for some reason.
// Break out of the loop if this field is single-valued.
if ($field_info['cardinality'] == 1) {
// Add the field to the entity definition.
$entity->{$target} = $field;