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function entityreference_feeds_set_target in Entity reference 7

Entity reference callback for mapping.

When the callback is invoked, $target contains the name of the field the user has decided to map to and $value contains the value of the feed item element the user has picked as a source.


$source: A FeedsSource object.

$entity: The entity to map to.

$target: The target key on $entity to map to.

$value: The value to map. MUST be an array.

1 string reference to 'entityreference_feeds_set_target'
entityreference_feeds_processor_targets_alter in ./
Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter().


./, line 74
Feeds mapping implementation for the Entity reference module


function entityreference_feeds_set_target($source, $entity, $target, $value) {

  // Don't do anything if we weren't given any data.
  if (empty($value)) {

  // Assume that the passed in value could really be any number of values.
  if (is_array($value)) {
    $values = $value;
  else {
    $values = array(

  // Determine the field we are matching against.
  if (strpos($target, ':') === FALSE) {
    $match_key = 'guid';
  else {
    list($target, $match_key) = explode(':', $target, 2);

  // Get some useful field information.
  $info = field_info_field($target);
  if ($match_key == 'label') {
    $handler = entityreference_get_selection_handler($info);

  // Set the language of the field depending on the mapping.
  $language = isset($mapping['language']) ? $mapping['language'] : LANGUAGE_NONE;

  // Iterate over all values.
  $iterator = 0;
  $field = isset($entity->{$target}) ? $entity->{$target} : array();
  foreach ($values as $value) {

    // Only process if this value was set for this instance.
    if ($value) {
      switch ($match_key) {
        case 'guid':
        case 'url':

          // Fetch the entity ID resulting from the mapping table look-up.
          $entity_id = db_select('feeds_item', 'fi')
            ->fields('fi', array(
            ->condition($match_key, $value, '=')
        case 'etid':
          $entity_id = $value;
        case 'label':
          $options = $handler
            ->getReferencableEntities($value, '=');
          if ($options) {
            $options = reset($options);
            $etids = array_keys($options);

            // Use the first matching entity.
            $entity_id = reset($etids);
          else {
            $entity_id = NULL;

       * Only add a reference to an existing entity ID if there exists a
       * mapping between it and the provided GUID.  In cases where no such
       * mapping exists (yet), don't do anything here.  There may be a mapping
       * defined later in the CSV file.  If so, and the user re-runs the import
       * (as a second pass), we can add this reference then.  (The "Update
       * existing nodes" option must be selected during the second pass.)
      if ($entity_id) {

        // Assign the target ID.
        $field[$language][$iterator]['target_id'] = $entity_id;
      else {

        /* there is no $entity_id, no mapping */

         * Feeds stores a hash of every line imported from CSVs in order to
         * make the import process more efficient by ignoring lines it's
         * already seen.  We need to short-circuit this process in this case
         * because users may want to re-import the same line as an update later
         * when (and if) a map to a reference exists.  So in order to provide
         * this opportunity later, we need to destroy the hash.
          ->log('entityreference', t('No existing entity found for entity @source_id entityreference to source entity @value', array(
          '@source_id' => $entity->feeds_item->entity_id,
          '@value' => $value,

    // Break out of the loop if this field is single-valued.
    if ($info['cardinality'] == 1) {

  // Add the field to the entity definition.
  $entity->{$target} = $field;