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function hook_entityqueue_default_queues in Entityqueue 7

This hook allows modules to provide their own queues.

Return value

array An associative array containing EntityQueue objects.


./entityqueue.api.php, line 36
Hooks provided by Entityqueue.


function hook_entityqueue_default_queues() {
  $queues = array();
  $queue = new EntityQueue();
  $queue->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default queue disabled initially */
  $queue->api_version = 1;
  $queue->name = 'featured_articles';
  $queue->label = 'Featured articles';
  $queue->handler = 'simple';

  // if multilingual
  $queue->language = 'en';
  $queue->target_type = 'node';
  $queue->settings = array(
    'target_bundles' => array(),
    'min_size' => 0,
    'max_size' => 0,
    'subqueue_label' => '',
    'act_as_queue' => 1,
  $queues['featured_articles'] = $queue;
  return $queues;