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function entityform_invoke_rules in Entityform 7

Utility function to invoke Rules components.

Return value

array Return values of the invoked Rule Components

4 calls to entityform_invoke_rules()
entityform_edit_form_validate in ./
Form API validate callback for the entityform form
entityform_entity_insert in ./entityform.module
Implements hook_entity_insert().
entityform_entity_update in ./entityform.module
Implements hook_entity_update().
entityform_form_wrapper in ./
Form callback wrapper: create or edit a entityform.


./entityform.module, line 1500
Module for the Entityform Entity - a starting point to create your own Entity and associated administration interface


function entityform_invoke_rules($entityform, $rule_setting) {
  $entityform_type = entityform_type_load($entityform->type);
  $return_values = array();
  if (isset($entityform_type->data[$rule_setting]) && is_array($entityform_type->data[$rule_setting])) {
    foreach ($entityform_type->data[$rule_setting] as $rule_name) {

      // Only invoke if Rules exists.
      // rules_invoke_component will always return false if the Rule doesn't exist.
      if (rules_get_cache('comp_' . $rule_name)) {
        $return_values[] = rules_invoke_component($rule_name, $entityform, $entityform_type);
      else {

        // Warn that Rule doesn't exist
        $msg = t('Entityform Type %form references non-existing Rule component %component', array(
          '%form' => $entityform->type,
          '%component' => $rule_name,
        watchdog('entityform', $msg);
        if (user_access('administer entityform types')) {

          // Warn on screen if user can fix this.
          drupal_set_message($msg, 'warning');
  return $return_values;