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function entity_view_mode_preprocess in Entity view modes 7

Implements hook_preprocess().

Add template suggestions for an entity based on view modes if they do not already exist.

The eventual order of the entity's theme suggestions are:

  • entity-type__bundle (lowest priority = first in the array)
  • entity-type__bundle__view-mode
  • entity-type__id
  • entity-type__id__view-mode (highest priority = last in the array)

See also



./entity_view_mode.module, line 360


function entity_view_mode_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {

  // Check for the context provided in entity_view_mode_entity_view().
  if (!empty($variables['elements']['#entity_view_mode'])) {

    // Sometimes a rendered entity is passed into another theme function, in
    // which case we should not process. But also account that #theme may be a
    // hook suggestion itself. For example. #theme = 'comment__node_type'
    // and $hook = 'comment'.
    if ($variables['elements']['#theme'] != $hook && strpos($variables['elements']['#theme'], $hook . '__') !== 0) {
    $suggestions =& $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'];

    // Ensure the base suggestions exist and if not, add them.
    if ($has_bundles && !in_array("{$entity_type}__{$bundle}", $suggestions)) {

      // The entity-type__bundle suggestion is typically "first".
      array_unshift($suggestions, "{$entity_type}__{$bundle}");
    if (!in_array("{$entity_type}__{$id}", $suggestions)) {

      // The entity-type__id suggestion is always "last".
      array_push($suggestions, "{$entity_type}__{$id}");

    // Add view mode suggestions based on the location of the base suggestions.
    if ($has_bundles && !in_array("{$entity_type}__{$bundle}__{$view_mode}", $suggestions)) {
      $index = array_search("{$entity_type}__{$bundle}", $suggestions);
      array_splice($suggestions, $index + 1, 0, "{$entity_type}__{$bundle}__{$view_mode}");
    if (!in_array("{$entity_type}__{$id}__{$view_mode}", $suggestions)) {
      $index = array_search("{$entity_type}__{$id}", $suggestions);
      array_splice($suggestions, $index + 1, 0, "{$entity_type}__{$id}__{$view_mode}");