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README.txt in Entity Update 8

Same filename in this branch
  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 8 modules/entity_update_tests/README.txt
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 2.0.x README.txt
Entity Update Module
The main objective of the module Entity Update is allowed module developer
and site administrators to update entity types schema even entities have data.
The update can execute by drush command (recommended), from web browser
or Programmatically.
The module also allow to view entity types list, entity types update status
and show the contents of an entity type.

- The entity update may damage your database, therefor backup the database
  before any action.
- For the production sites, Test twice on a nonproduction site
  and put the site into maintain mode before any execution. 
- If you use this module, you are conscience what you are doing.
  You are the responsible of your work.

Download via composer and install via drush (Recommended)
composer require drupal/entity_update
drush en entity_update -y

Download and install via drush
drush en entity_update -y

Actions and Displays

No need to configure the module, but you can check Entities update status via:
- Administration -> Configuration -> Development -> Entity Update.
- Link : /admin/config/development/entity-update.

Permission : Administer software updates

NEW in Version 1.2
- Update a selected entity type.
Use the web browser for:
- View entity types list.
- View entity schema update status.
- View entities list.
- Run Entity update (Not recommended for production sites, use Drush).

Test module
The module provide a test module entity_update_tests with configurable fields.
Configuration : /admin/config/development/entity-update/tests

- Documentation Home :
- See Entity Update from drush
- See Entity Update usage from web browser.
- See Update entities programmatically.
- See Usage in production sites.

Usage Examples : entity-update (Via drush)
Drush command : entity-update
Alias : upe

1. Show Entities to update
drush upe --show

2. Update Entities basic way.
This method is does not work if any of the entity contains data.
drush upe --basic

3. Update All Entities.
drush upe --all

4. Update without automatic database backup
   Not recommended for --all, suitable for --basic
drush upe --basic --nobackup

5. Create entities from entity backup database.
   If entity recreation failed (on drush upe --all), You can use this option to
   re create entities from entity backup database.
drush upe --rescue

6. Cleanup entity backup database
drush upe --clean

7. Install New Entity type after module installation.
drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID -y

Usage Examples : entity-check (Via drush)
This command allow to show entities and entity types via drush.
Drush command : entity-check
Alias : upec

1. Show The summery of an entity type.
drush upec node

2. Show all entity types contains "block".
drush upec block --types

3. Show 3 entities from 2 of the type 'node'.
drush upec node --list --start=2 --length=3

------------------- Advanced use --------------------
Update entity structure update or multiple operations
-----Developers Only - Not for Production sites.-----
If you want to change the structure of an entity type (Example : make non
translatable entity to a translatable) and your entity has data, you can try
the following steps.
- You must structure the entity before starting the developments.
- This type of operations must not produce on production sites.

1. Cleanup the backup data table.
drush upe --clean
2. Backup data of your entity.
drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID --bkpdel
3. Update the code (Entity type definitions for example).
4. Update the entity type (No need to backup full database again).
drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID --nobackup
-> Note : You can use 'gunzip < backup_XXX.sql.gz | drush sqlc' if necessary.
5. Create entities from entity backup database once every things are success.
drush upe --rescue
6. Cleanup the backup data table once every things are success.
drush upe --clean

User case 1. make translatable entity to a non translatable
1. Remove 'translatable = TRUE,'
2. update entity
3. Remove language key Ex : '"langcode" = "langcode",'
4. Update entity

User case 2. make non translatable entity to a translatable
1. Add 'translatable = TRUE,'
2. Add language key Ex : '"langcode" = "langcode",'
3. Update entity

------------------ Thank you for using Entity Update Module. ------------------


View source
  1. Entity Update Module
  2. --------------------
  3. The main objective of the module Entity Update is allowed module developer
  4. and site administrators to update entity types schema even entities have data.
  5. The update can execute by drush command (recommended), from web browser
  6. or Programmatically.
  7. The module also allow to view entity types list, entity types update status
  8. and show the contents of an entity type.
  10. - The entity update may damage your database, therefor backup the database
  11. before any action.
  12. - For the production sites, Test twice on a nonproduction site
  13. and put the site into maintain mode before any execution.
  14. - If you use this module, you are conscience what you are doing.
  15. You are the responsible of your work.
  16. Installation
  17. ------------
  18. Download via composer and install via drush (Recommended)
  19. composer require drupal/entity_update
  20. drush en entity_update -y
  21. Download and install via drush
  22. drush en entity_update -y
  23. Actions and Displays
  24. --------------------
  25. No need to configure the module, but you can check Entities update status via:
  26. - Administration -> Configuration -> Development -> Entity Update.
  27. - Link : /admin/config/development/entity-update.
  28. Permission : Administer software updates
  29. NEW in Version 1.2
  30. ------------------
  31. - Update a selected entity type.
  32. Use the web browser for:
  33. - View entity types list.
  34. - View entity schema update status.
  35. - View entities list.
  36. - Run Entity update (Not recommended for production sites, use Drush).
  37. Test module
  38. -----------
  39. The module provide a test module entity_update_tests with configurable fields.
  40. Configuration : /admin/config/development/entity-update/tests
  41. Documentation
  42. -------------
  43. - Documentation Home :
  44. - See Entity Update from drush
  46. - See Entity Update usage from web browser.
  48. - See Update entities programmatically.
  50. - See Usage in production sites.
  52. Usage Examples : entity-update (Via drush)
  53. ------------------------------------------
  54. Drush command : entity-update
  55. Alias : upe
  56. 1. Show Entities to update
  57. drush upe --show
  58. 2. Update Entities basic way.
  59. This method is does not work if any of the entity contains data.
  60. drush upe --basic
  61. 3. Update All Entities.
  62. drush upe --all
  63. 4. Update without automatic database backup
  64. Not recommended for --all, suitable for --basic
  65. drush upe --basic --nobackup
  66. 5. Create entities from entity backup database.
  67. If entity recreation failed (on drush upe --all), You can use this option to
  68. re create entities from entity backup database.
  69. drush upe --rescue
  70. 6. Cleanup entity backup database
  71. drush upe --clean
  72. 7. Install New Entity type after module installation.
  73. drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID -y
  74. Usage Examples : entity-check (Via drush)
  75. ----------------------------------------
  76. This command allow to show entities and entity types via drush.
  77. Drush command : entity-check
  78. Alias : upec
  79. 1. Show The summery of an entity type.
  80. drush upec node
  81. 2. Show all entity types contains "block".
  82. drush upec block --types
  83. 3. Show 3 entities from 2 of the type 'node'.
  84. drush upec node --list --start=2 --length=3
  85. ------------------- Advanced use --------------------
  86. Update entity structure update or multiple operations
  87. -----Developers Only - Not for Production sites.-----
  88. -----------------------------------------------------
  89. If you want to change the structure of an entity type (Example : make non
  90. translatable entity to a translatable) and your entity has data, you can try
  91. the following steps.
  92. CAUTION :
  93. - You must structure the entity before starting the developments.
  94. - This type of operations must not produce on production sites.
  95. 1. Cleanup the backup data table.
  96. drush upe --clean
  97. 2. Backup data of your entity.
  98. drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID --bkpdel
  99. 3. Update the code (Entity type definitions for example).
  101. 4. Update the entity type (No need to backup full database again).
  102. drush upe ENTITY_TYPE_ID --nobackup
  103. -> Note : You can use 'gunzip < backup_XXX.sql.gz | drush sqlc' if necessary.
  104. 5. Create entities from entity backup database once every things are success.
  105. drush upe --rescue
  106. 6. Cleanup the backup data table once every things are success.
  107. drush upe --clean
  108. User case 1. make translatable entity to a non translatable
  109. 1. Remove 'translatable = TRUE,'
  110. 2. update entity
  111. 3. Remove language key Ex : '"langcode" = "langcode",'
  112. 4. Update entity
  113. User case 2. make non translatable entity to a translatable
  114. 1. Add 'translatable = TRUE,'
  115. 2. Add language key Ex : '"langcode" = "langcode",'
  116. 3. Update entity
  117. ------------------ Thank you for using Entity Update Module. ------------------