function entity_print_permission in Entity Print 7
Implements hook_permission().
- ./
entity_print.module, line 269 - Print any entity.
function entity_print_permission() {
// Administer entity print.
$permissions['administer entity print'] = array(
'title' => t('Administer Entity Print'),
'description' => t('Allow users to administer the Entity Print settings.'),
// We make this restricted because you can set the path to the wkhtmltopdf
// binary from the settings page. It isn't vulnerable to injection but
// it's probably not a setting you want everyone configuring anyway.
'restrict access' => TRUE,
// Bypass access.
$permissions['bypass entity print access'] = array(
'title' => t('Bypass entity print access'),
'description' => t('Allow a user to bypass the entity print access rights.'),
// Create a permission for every entity type and bundle.
$entities = entity_get_info();
foreach ($entities as $entity_key => $entity_info) {
$permissions['entity print access type ' . $entity_key] = array(
'title' => t('%entity_label: Use entity print for all bundles', array(
'%entity_label' => $entity_info['label'],
'description' => t('Allow a user to use entity print to view the generated PDF for all %entity_label bundles.', array(
'%entity_label' => $entity_info['label'],
foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_key => $entity_bundle) {
$permissions['entity print access bundle ' . $bundle_key] = array(
'title' => t('%entity_label (%entity_bundle_label): Use entity print', array(
'%entity_label' => $entity_info['label'],
'%entity_bundle_label' => $entity_bundle['label'],
'description' => t('Allow a user to use entity print to view the generated PDF for entity type %entity_label and bundle %entity_bundle_label', array(
'%entity_label' => $entity_info['label'],
'%entity_bundle_label' => $entity_bundle['label'],
return $permissions;