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function entity_print_entity_to_pdf in Entity Print 7

Output an entity as a PDF.


string $entity_type: The entity type.

int $entity_id: The entity id.

1 string reference to 'entity_print_entity_to_pdf'
entity_print_menu in ./entity_print.module
Implements hook_entity_print().


./entity_print.module, line 98
Print any entity.


function entity_print_entity_to_pdf($entity_type, $entity_id) {
  if ($entities = entity_load($entity_type, array(
  ))) {
    $library = libraries_load('phpwkhtmltopdf');
    if (!empty($library['loaded'])) {
      $pdf = new WkHtmlToPdf(array(
        'binary' => variable_get('entity_print_wkhtmltopdf', '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf'),
      $entity = reset($entities);
      $html = _entity_print_get_generated_html($entity_type, $entity);

      // Add a HTML file, a HTML string or a page from a URL.

      // Allow other modules to alter the generated PDF object.
      drupal_alter('entity_print_pdf', $pdf, $entity_type, $entity);
      if (!$pdf
        ->send()) {
        print $pdf
    else {
      print $library['error message'];