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function entity_print_add_css in Entity Print 7

Add a CSS file for entity print.


string $css_file: Path to the CSS file.

8 calls to entity_print_add_css()
entity_print_commerce_order_entity_print_css in modules/entity_print_commerce_order/entity_print_commerce_order.module
Implements hook_entity_print_css().
entity_print_test_entity_print_css in tests/entity_print_test.module
Implements hook_entity_print_css().
hook_entity_print_css in ./entity_print.api.php
This hook is provided to allow modules to add their own CSS files.
hook_entity_print_views_css in modules/entity_print_views/entity_print_views.api.php
This hook is provided to allow modules to add their own CSS files.
views_plugin_display_entity_print_views_pdf::execute in modules/entity_print_views/includes/views/
The display page handler returns a normal view, but it also does a drupal_set_title for the page, and does a views_set_page_view on the view.

... See full list


./entity_print.module, line 245
Print any entity.


function entity_print_add_css($css_file) {
  drupal_add_css($css_file, array(
    'group' => ENTITY_PRINT_CSS_GROUP,