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Functions in Entity Embed 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
entity_embed_autocomplete_entity ./entity_embed.module Page callback: Autocomplete for entities. 1
entity_embed_change_dom_node_name includes/ Rename a DOMNode tag.
entity_embed_command_insert includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert' command that is capable of targeting elements within iFrames. 1
entity_embed_ctools_export_ui_form plugins/export_ui/ Define the preset add/edit form. 1
entity_embed_ctools_export_ui_form_submit plugins/export_ui/ Submit function for entity_embed_ctools_export_ui_form(). 1
entity_embed_ctools_plugin_api ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
entity_embed_ctools_plugin_directory ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
entity_embed_default_entity_embed_configuration ./ Implements hook_default_entity_embed_configuration().
entity_embed_dependent_entity_type_bundles_callback plugins/export_ui/ Replaces the entity_type_bundles and submit button form elements. 1
entity_embed_dialog_form ./ Form constructor for the entity embed dialog form. 3
entity_embed_dialog_form_validate ./ Form validation handler for entity_embed_dialog_form().
entity_embed_dom_load_html includes/ Parses an HTML snippet and returns it as a DOM object. 1
entity_embed_editor_ckeditor_css_alter ./ Implements hook_editor_ckeditor_css_alter().
entity_embed_editor_ckeditor_plugins ./ Implements hook_editor_ckeditor_plugins().
entity_embed_embed_button_delete ./entity_embed.module Deletes an embed button object from the database. 1 1
entity_embed_embed_button_load ./entity_embed.module Loads an embed button object from the database. 1 1
entity_embed_embed_button_load_all ./entity_embed.module Load all embed button objects from the database. 2 1
entity_embed_embed_button_load_multiple ./entity_embed.module Loads multiple embed button objects from the database. 1
entity_embed_embed_button_new ./entity_embed.module Creates a new embed button object. 1 1
entity_embed_embed_button_save ./entity_embed.module Saves an embed button object to the database. 1 1
entity_embed_escape_cdata_element includes/ Adds comments around a <!CDATA section in a \DOMNode. 1
entity_embed_field_get_display includes/ Our own field-less entity-less version of field_get_display(). 1
entity_embed_field_get_items includes/ Our own field-less and entity-less version of field_get_items(). 1
entity_embed_field_info_field includes/ Our own field-less version of field_info_field(). 2
entity_embed_field_info_formatter_settings includes/ Our own field-less entity-less version of field_info_formatter_settings(). 4
entity_embed_field_info_instance includes/ Our own field-less entity-less version of field_info_instance(). 1
entity_embed_filter_format_load ./entity_embed.module Loads a text format object from the database.
entity_embed_filter_info ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_filter_info().
entity_embed_flush_caches ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_flush_caches().
entity_embed_get_dom_node_attributes_as_array includes/ Convert the attributes on a DOMNode object to an array. 1
entity_embed_get_entity_field_formatters includes/ Helper function to get all the field formatters that we can use to display entity types. 4
entity_embed_get_entity_field_types includes/ Get the possible field types that an entity might be displayed inside of. 1
entity_embed_help ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_help().
entity_embed_menu ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_menu().
entity_embed_permission ./entity_embed.module Implements hook_permission().
entity_embed_preview ./entity_embed.module Returns an Ajax response to generate preview of an entity. 1
entity_embed_render_entity includes/ Renders an embedded entity. 1
entity_embed_replace_dom_node_content includes/ Replace the contents of a DOMNode. 1
entity_embed_schema ./entity_embed.install Implements hook_schema().
entity_embed_serialize includes/ Converts the body of a \DOMDocument back to an HTML snippet. 1
entity_embed_set_dom_node_content includes/ Set the contents of a DOMNode.
entity_embed_test_entity_embed_alter tests/entity_embed_test.module Implements hook_entity_embed_alter(). 1
entity_embed_test_entity_embed_context_alter tests/entity_embed_test.module Implements hook_entity_embed_context_alter(). 1
entity_embed_update_7100 ./entity_embed.install Add support for restricting embedding to specific entity bundles.
entity_embed_update_7300 ./entity_embed.install Add support for restricting embedding to specific display plugins.
entity_embed_update_7301 ./entity_embed.install Merge CKEditor button label and entity label.
goBack ./ Form submission handler to go back to the previous step of the form. 1
hook_entity_embed_alter ./entity_embed.api.php Alter the result of entity_view().
hook_entity_embed_context_alter ./entity_embed.api.php Alter the placeholder context for an embedded entity.
hook_ENTITY_TYPE_embed_alter ./entity_embed.api.php Alter the results of the particular embedded entity type build array.


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