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Functions in Entity Embed 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
goBack ./ Form submission handler to go back to the previous step of the form. 1
hook_entity_embed_alter ./entity_embed.api.php Alter the result of entity_view().
hook_entity_embed_context_alter ./entity_embed.api.php Alter the placeholder context for an embedded entity.
hook_entity_preembed ./entity_embed.api.php Act on an entity before it is about to be rendered in an embed.
render_entity_embed_display_plugin includes/ Renders an entity using an EntityEmbedDisplay plugin. 1
submitEmbedForm ./ Form submission handler embeds selected entity in WYSIWYG. 1
submitSelectForm ./ Form submission handler that selects an entity and display embed settings. 1
updatePluginConfigurationForm ./ Form submission handler to update the plugin configuration form. 1
_entity_embed_button_image ./entity_embed.module Helper function to create a URL to an embed button icon. 1
_entity_embed_button_is_enabled ./entity_embed.module Checks whether or not the embed button is enabled for given text format. 1
_entity_embed_filter_add_file_usage_from_fields includes/ Add file usage from file references in an entity's text fields. 2
_entity_embed_filter_align ./entity_embed.module Implements callback_filter_process(). 2
_entity_embed_filter_align_tips ./entity_embed.module Implements callback_filter_tips(). 1
_entity_embed_preview_format_access ./entity_embed.module Access callback: Checks access for previewing embedded entities. 1
_entity_embed_render_placeholders ./entity_embed.module Implements callback_filter_process(). 1
_entity_embed_render_placeholders_tips ./entity_embed.module Implements callback_filter_tips(). 1


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