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function _entity_bundle_plugin_array_merge_deep_array in Entity bundle plugin 7

Merges multiple arrays, recursively, and returns the merged array.

This function is pretty much a clone of drupal_array_merge_deep_array() and similar to PHP's array_merge_recursive() function, but it handles non-array values differently. When merging values that are not both arrays, the latter value replaces the former rather than merging with it, and numeric keys are also merged, NOT appended.


$array_1 = array(
  'test' => array(
    0 => 'A',
    1 => 'B',
$array_2 = array(
  'test' => array(
    0 => 'C',
    1 => 'D',

// This results in array('test' => array('X', 'Y'), 0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D').
$incorrect = drupal_array_merge_deep_array(array(

// This results in array('test' => array('X', 'Y'), 0 => 'C', 1 => 'D').
$correct = _entity_bundle_plugin_array_merge_deep_array(array(


array $arrays: Arrays to merge.

Return value

array The merged array.

See also


2 calls to _entity_bundle_plugin_array_merge_deep_array()
entity_bundle_plugin_merge::testMerge in tests/entity_bundle_plugin_merge.test
entity_bundle_plugin_rebuild_fields in ./entity_bundle_plugin.module
Rebuild the fields for a given entity type.


./entity_bundle_plugin.module, line 202
EntityBundlePlugin module.


function _entity_bundle_plugin_array_merge_deep_array(array $arrays) {
  $result = array();
  foreach ($arrays as $array) {
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {

      // Recurse when both values are arrays.
      if (isset($result[$key]) && is_array($result[$key]) && is_array($value)) {
        $result[$key] = _entity_bundle_plugin_array_merge_deep_array(array(
      else {
        $result[$key] = $value;
  return $result;