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abstract public function entity_views_example_query::add_selector_orderby in Entity API 7

Add a sort to the query.

This is used to add a sort based on an Entity API data selector instead of a field alias.

This method has to be present if click-sorting on fields should be allowed for some fields using the default Entity API field handlers.


$selector: The field to sort on, as an Entity API data selector.

$order: The order to sort items in - either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Defaults to 'ASC'.


views/entity_views_example_query.php, line 36
Contains an example for a Views query plugin that could use the data selection tables.


Describes the additional methods looked for on a query plugin if data selection based tables or fields are used.


public abstract function add_selector_orderby($selector, $order = 'ASC');