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public function EntityMetadataWrapper::debugIdentifierLocation in Entity API 7

Returns a string to use to identify this wrapper in error messages.

Return value

string A string that identifies this wrapper and its chain of ancestors, of the form 'grandparentidentifier->parentidentifier->identifier'.

1 call to EntityMetadataWrapper::debugIdentifierLocation()
EntityMetadataWrapper::set in includes/
Set a new data value.
1 method overrides EntityMetadataWrapper::debugIdentifierLocation()
EntityDrupalWrapper::debugIdentifierLocation in includes/
Returns a string to use to identify this wrapper in error messages.


includes/, line 246
Provides wrappers allowing easy usage of the entity metadata.


A common base class for all wrappers.


public function debugIdentifierLocation() {
  $debug = $this->info['name'];
  if (isset($this->info['parent'])) {
    $debug = $this->info['parent']
      ->debugIdentifierLocation() . '->' . $debug;
  return $debug;