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public function EntityDefaultUIController::hook_menu in Entity API 7

Provides definitions for implementing hook_menu().

1 call to EntityDefaultUIController::hook_menu()
EntityContentUIController::hook_menu in includes/
Provides definitions for implementing hook_menu().
1 method overrides EntityDefaultUIController::hook_menu()
EntityContentUIController::hook_menu in includes/
Provides definitions for implementing hook_menu().


includes/, line 35
Provides a controller for building an entity overview form.


Default UI controller providing admin UI.


public function hook_menu() {
  $items = array();

  // Set this on the object so classes that extend hook_menu() can use it.
  $this->id_count = count(explode('/', $this->path));
  $wildcard = isset($this->entityInfo['admin ui']['menu wildcard']) ? $this->entityInfo['admin ui']['menu wildcard'] : '%entity_object';
  $plural_label = isset($this->entityInfo['plural label']) ? $this->entityInfo['plural label'] : $this->entityInfo['label'] . 's';
  $items[$this->path] = array(
    'title' => $plural_label,
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
      $this->entityType . '_overview_form',
    'description' => 'Manage ' . $plural_label . '.',
    'access callback' => 'entity_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => 'includes/',
  $items[$this->path . '/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'List',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items[$this->path . '/add'] = array(
    'title callback' => 'entity_ui_get_action_title',
    'title arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'entity_ui_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'entity_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
  $items[$this->path . '/manage/' . $wildcard] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit',
    'title callback' => 'entity_label',
    'title arguments' => array(
      $this->id_count + 1,
    'page callback' => 'entity_ui_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
      $this->id_count + 1,
    'load arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'entity_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      $this->id_count + 1,
  $items[$this->path . '/manage/' . $wildcard . '/edit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit',
    'load arguments' => array(

  // Clone form, a special case for the edit form.
  $items[$this->path . '/manage/' . $wildcard . '/clone'] = array(
    'title' => 'Clone',
    'page callback' => 'entity_ui_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
      $this->id_count + 1,
    'load arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'entity_access',
    'access arguments' => array(

  // Menu item for operations like revert and delete.
  $items[$this->path . '/manage/' . $wildcard . '/%'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
      $this->entityType . '_operation_form',
      $this->id_count + 1,
      $this->id_count + 2,
    'load arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'entity_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      $this->id_count + 1,
    'file' => 'includes/',
  if (!empty($this->entityInfo['exportable'])) {

    // Menu item for importing an entity.
    $items[$this->path . '/import'] = array(
      'title callback' => 'entity_ui_get_action_title',
      'title arguments' => array(
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'page arguments' => array(
        $this->entityType . '_operation_form',
      'access callback' => 'entity_access',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'file' => 'includes/',
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_ACTION,
  if (!empty($this->entityInfo['admin ui']['file'])) {

    // Add in the include file for the entity form.
    foreach (array(
    ) as $path_end) {
      $items[$this->path . $path_end]['file'] = $this->entityInfo['admin ui']['file'];
      $items[$this->path . $path_end]['file path'] = isset($this->entityInfo['admin ui']['file path']) ? $this->entityInfo['admin ui']['file path'] : drupal_get_path('module', $this->entityInfo['module']);
  return $items;