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Files in Encrypt 6

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description includes/ This file holds the functions for the encrypt Admin settings.
encrypt.api.php encrypt.api.php Hooks provided by the encrypt suite of modules. includes/ This file holds the functions necessary to encrypt and decrypt
encrypt.css encrypt.css Encrypt Main CSS includes/ This file holds the hook implementation for the encrypt modules name = Encrypt description = Provides an API for two-way encryption core = 6.x
encrypt.install encrypt.install This file holds the functions for the installing and enabling of the encrypt module.
encrypt.module encrypt.module Main Encrypt Drupal File
encrypt.test encrypt.test Tests for Encrypt. includes/ This file holds the theme functions for encrypt module
README.txt README.txt Encrypt Description ==================================== (Two-way) Encryption Drupal module. Please see the following page for more current information: Encrypt is an API module to provide (two-way) encryption. It…

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