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Files in Empty paragraph killer 7

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Empty paragraph killer x.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------ Empty paragraph killer 7.x-1.x-dev, 2010-12-16 ------------------------------ Initial port to Drupal 7 name = Empty paragraph killer description = Filters out pesky empty paragraphs. core = 7.x package = Input filters files[] = emptyparagraphfilter.module
emptyparagraphkiller.module emptyparagraphkiller.module Empty paragraph killer: because users are sometimes overzealous with the return key.
README.txt README.txt Empty paragraph killer - sometimes users are overzealous with the carriage return -- SUMMARY -- Empty paragraph killer is a filter module, helpful on sites which use WYSIWYG editors. People often hit the return key twice at the end of a paragraph.…

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