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function emptyparagraphkiller_filter_tips in Empty paragraph killer 6

Implementation of hook_filter_tips().


./emptyparagraphkiller.module, line 95
Empty paragraph killer: because users are sometimes overzealous with the return key.


function emptyparagraphkiller_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = FALSE) {

  // OPTIONAL: If more than one filter was defined in hook_filter, perform switch on $delta
  switch ($delta) {
    case 0:

      // Empty paragraph killer filter tip
      switch ($long) {
        case FALSE:
          return t('Empty paragraph killer - multiple returns will not break the
          site\'s style.');
        case TRUE:
          return '<p>' . t('Your typing habits may include hitting the return
          key twice when completing a paragraph. This site will accomodate your
          habit, and ensure the content is in keeping with the the stylistic
          formatting of the site\'s theme.') . '</p>';
    case 1:

      // Arbitrary empty html tag filter tip
      switch ($long) {
        case FALSE:
          return t('Specific empty HTML tags have been chosen to be filtered by
          your site administrator.');
        case TRUE:
          return '<p>' . t('Your site administrator has chosen to supress the
          display of specific HTML tags if there is no content to be displayed
          within them.') . '</p>';
    case 2:

      // Tip for the non-breaking space remover which sometimes sneak into the beginning of paragraphs
      switch ($long) {
        case FALSE:
          return t('The first non-breaking space (<strong>&amp;nbsp;</strong>)
          at the beginning of a paragraph will be removed. These are often added
          erroneously by WYSIWYG editors.');
        case TRUE:
          return '<p>' . t('WYSIWYG editors often add a non-breaking space
          (<strong>&amp;nbsp;</strong>) at the beginning of newly created
          paragraphs. The first such space at the beginning of a paragraph will
          be removed.') . '</p>';