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Functions in Embedded Media Field 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
emfield_field_settings ./emfield.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
emfield_flvmediaplayer_url deprecated/ Returns the URL to the registered JW Flash Media Player, if such exists. 3
emfield_imagerotator_url deprecated/ Returns the URL to the registered JW Image Rotator, if such exists. 2
emfield_implement_types deprecated/ This returns a list of content types that are implemented by emfield. 2
emfield_include_hook deprecated/ Determine whether an include implements a hook, cf. module_hook. 1
emfield_include_invoke deprecated/ Invoke hook in a particular include. 29
emfield_include_list deprecated/ Maintains a list of all loaded include files. 1
emfield_install ./emfield.install Implementation of hook_install().
emfield_menu ./emfield.module Implementation of hook_menu().
emfield_module_settings deprecated/ 1
emfield_module_settings ./ 1
emfield_nodeapi deprecated/ Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
emfield_node_operations deprecated/ Implementation of hook_node_operations().
emfield_operations_reload deprecated/ This reloads and saves the data for all the nid's in the array. 1
emfield_parse_embed deprecated/ This will parse the url or embedded code pasted by the node submitter. 4
emfield_provider_menus deprecated/ Allow providers to create their own menus. 1
emfield_provider_themes deprecated/ Allow providers to create their own themes. 2
emfield_reload deprecated/ This reloads and saves the data for a single node. 2
emfield_reload ./ This reloads and saves the data for a single node. 2
emfield_request_header deprecated/ Get the HTTP Header of media, for mime-type and length. 4
emfield_request_xml deprecated/ When an include file requires to read an xml to receive information, such as for thumbnails, this script can be used to request the xml and return it as an array. 2
emfield_retrieve_xml deprecated/ A wrapper around simplexml to retrieve a given XML file.
emfield_schema ./emfield.install Implementation of hook_schema().
emfield_settings deprecated/ Callback for admin/content/emfield. 1
emfield_settings ./ Callback for admin/content/emfield. 1
emfield_settings_jobqueue deprecated/ Menu callback settings form. If job_queue module is installed, admins can reload embedded media data in bulk 1
emfield_settings_jobqueue ./ Menu callback settings form. If job_queue module is installed, admins can reload embedded media data in bulk 1
emfield_settings_jobqueue_submit deprecated/ For each selected content type, add all of its nodes to the job queue for reloading.
emfield_settings_jobqueue_submit ./ For each selected content type, add all of its nodes to the job queue for reloading.
emfield_settings_validate deprecated/ Validation for emfield_settings form, callback for /admin/content/emfield. Ensure we have a valid SWFObject path. 2
emfield_settings_validate ./ Validation for emfield_settings form, callback for /admin/content/emfield. Ensure we have a valid SWFObject path. 2
emfield_set_error deprecated/ 3
emfield_system_list deprecated/ Return an array of installed .inc files and/or loads them upon request. This routine is modeled after drupal_system_listing() (and also depends on it). It's major difference, however, is that it loads .inc files by default. 18
emfield_theme ./emfield.module Implementation of hook_theme().
emfield_uninstall ./emfield.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
emfield_update_6001 ./emfield.install Botched this the first time. Redo in 6003.
emfield_update_6002 ./emfield.install Rebuild themes and views.
emfield_update_6003 ./emfield.install This caused an infinite loop in some cases. Redo in 6005.
emfield_update_6004 ./emfield.install Rebuild themes.
emfield_update_6005 ./emfield.install Add a provider data version column to existing fields.
emfield_update_6006 ./emfield.install Add new menu item for removing messages for obsolete providers.
emfield_update_6200 ./emfield.install Build a table to cache XML results.
emfield_update_6201 ./emfield.install Rebuild menu for new admin settings pages.
emfield_update_6202 ./emfield.install Add a new column to fields for media status.
emfield_update_6203 ./emfield.install Rebuild themes and views.
emfield_update_6301 ./emfield.install Rebuild legacy menu & theme items.
emfield_update_6302 ./emfield.install Give a warning regarding obsolete providers.
emfield_views_api deprecated/ Implementation of hook_views_api().
emfield_views_handlers includes/views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
emfield_views_handler_filter_is_not_null deprecated/ Custom filter for provider NOT NULL.


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