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Functions in Embedded Media Field 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_emimage_custom_url_get_domain_helper contrib/emimage/providers/ Function carves out the domain name out of any URL, including URLs with sub- domains and additional extensions. 2
_emimage_custom_url_get_domain_server contrib/emimage/providers/ 1
_emimage_custom_url_scrape_image_title contrib/emimage/providers/ Function uses a helper function _get_domain_helper to get the name of the domain where the image is hosted. 1
_emimage_custom_url_validate_image_helper contrib/emimage/providers/ Function gets all the information from an image and stores it in an array of 7 elements. It helps to avoid getting php warning if the image is not valid. 2
_emimage_imageshack_scrape_image_url contrib/emimage/providers/ Scrape the actual image URL from the ImageShack page. 1
_emimage_photobucket_scrape_image_title contrib/emimage/providers/ Visit the image URL and scrape the image title from HTML. 1
_emimage_picasa_guess_size contrib/emimage/providers/ 1
_emimage_update_reset_cache_views contrib/emimage/emimage.install 1
_emimage_upgrade_from_image_ncck contrib/emimage/emimage.install Implementation of hook_disable(). 1
_eminline_curry contrib/eminline/eminline.module 1
_eminline_default_filter_settings contrib/eminline/eminline.module 2
_eminline_url contrib/eminline/eminline.module Match all http(s) URLs and pass to link checker. 1
_eminline_url_parse_full_links contrib/eminline/eminline.module If one of our allowed providers knows what to do with the url, then let it embed the video. 1
_eminline_url_settings contrib/eminline/eminline.module Settings form for filter. 1
_eminline_url_settings_form_submit contrib/eminline/eminline.module 1
_eminline_url_settings_form_validate contrib/eminline/eminline.module 1
_emthumb_file_delete contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module 3
_emthumb_file_insert contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module Insert a file into the database. 1
_emthumb_file_load contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module 1
_emthumb_file_update contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module update the file record if necessary 1
_emthumb_file_upload contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module 2
_emthumb_formatter_theme_helper contrib/emthumb/ Sets up the options array with the proper node, field, etc. 11
_emthumb_imagecache_formatter_default contrib/emthumb/ Returns the path to the imagecache image, or the original item if it's external. 9
_emthumb_scale_image contrib/emthumb/emthumb.module Scales a newly uploaded image to fit the set resolution. 1
_emthumb_update_add_new_formatters contrib/emthumb/emthumb.install Rebuild the theme for new formatters.
_emthumb_update_reset_cache contrib/emthumb/emthumb.install Clear the content and views caches. 2
_emthumb_update_reset_cache_views contrib/emthumb/emthumb.install Clear the Views cache. 1
_emvideo_convert_to_seconds contrib/emvideo/ Convert time from field into seconds. 1
_emvideo_formatter_theme_helper contrib/emvideo/ This ultimately calls theme('emvideo_[formatter]'). 18
_emvideo_seconds_to_time contrib/emvideo/ Display seconds as HH:MM:SS, with leading 0's. 2
_emvideo_update_add_new_formatters contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install Rebuild the theme for new formatters. 7
_emvideo_update_get_duration contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install Batch function to grab the duration for each video field. 1
_emvideo_update_reset_cache contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install Clear the content and views caches. 6
_emvideo_update_reset_cache_views contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install Clear the Views cache. 3
_emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install Clean up our messes when migrating from video_cck. 1
_emvideo_yahoomusic_locale_lookup contrib/emvideo/providers/ 3
_emvideo_zzz_custom_url_default_types contrib/emvideo/providers/ @file This is an include file used by emfield.module. 2
_emvideo_zzz_custom_url_implode_types contrib/emvideo/providers/ 2


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