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function emapi_get_provider_classes in Embedded Media Field 6.3

Builds a registry of Media provider classes.

Each module supporting a Media provider will need to implement hook_emapi_register, which will need to return an associated array keyed by the scheme, with an array containing at least the following key => value pairs. Note that the scheme portion of the URI this class supports is in the form of scheme://identifier/id. 'class_name' => The actual name of the class. The following key => value pairs are optional, and will otherwise be automatically derived: 'name' => The human-readable name of the scheme. 'description' => A description of the scheme. 'path' => The path where the class file resides. 'file' => The file containing the class definition. 'module' => The module defining the class. 'url' => The URL to the remote media provider, if applicable. The following key => value pair will be automatically set to the association and cannot be overridden: 'scheme' => The scheme portion of the URI.


string $scheme: (Optional) The scheme of the specific class registration to return.

boolean $reset: (Optional) If TRUE, then reset the registration.

Return value

array If $scheme is specified, then return only the specified class array, or NULL if there is no such registered class. Otherwise, return the entiry registry.

8 calls to emapi_get_provider_classes()
emapi_get_provider_class in emapi/emapi.module
Returns the registered class for a specific provider.
emapi_get_provider_class_by_class_name in emapi/emapi.module
Return the registered EmAPI class specified by name.
emapi_init in emapi/emapi.module
Implementation of hook_init().
emapi_media_delete in emapi/emapi.module
Delete a media object from the database.
emapi_parse in emapi/emapi.module
Parses a URL or embed code into a media object.

... See full list


emapi/emapi.module, line 87
Provides an API for parsing, storage, and display of third party media.


function emapi_get_provider_classes($scheme = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $emapi_registered_classes;
  if ($reset || !isset($emapi_registered_classes)) {
    $emapi_registered_classes = array();

    // Build our media object class registry.
    foreach (module_implements('emapi_register') as $module) {
      foreach (module_invoke($module, 'emapi_register') as $scheme_name => $class) {
        $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name] = is_array($class) ? $class : array();
        $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['scheme'] = $scheme_name;
        if (!isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['name'])) {
          $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['name'] = t($scheme_name);
        if (!isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['description'])) {
          $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['description'] = t('Class definition for @scheme.', array(
            '@scheme' => $scheme_name,
        if (!isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['path'])) {
          $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['path'] = drupal_get_path('module', $module);
        if (!isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['file'])) {
          $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['file'] = $class_name . '.inc';
        if (!isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['module'])) {
          $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme_name]['module'] = $module;
  if (isset($scheme) && isset($emapi_registered_classes[$scheme])) {
    return $emapi_registered_classes[$scheme];
  else {
    if (!isset($scheme)) {
      return $emapi_registered_classes;