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function _emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck in Embedded Media Field 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install \_emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck()
  2. 6.2 contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install \_emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck()

Clean up our messes when migrating from video_cck.

1 call to _emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck()
emvideo_install in contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install
Implementation of hook_install().


contrib/emvideo/emvideo.install, line 69
Installation, configuration, and removal of the emvideo module.


function _emvideo_upgrade_from_video_cck() {
  $ret = array();

  // Do nothing if this is a new install. We know that if there are no existing fields with video_cck type.
  //  return $ret;
  // }
  // Change any fields from 'video_cck' to 'emvideo' type.
  db_query("UPDATE {content_node_field} SET type='emvideo' WHERE type='video_cck'");
  db_query("UPDATE {content_node_field_instance} SET widget_type='emvideo_textfields' WHERE widget_type='video_cck_textfields'");

  // Rebuild our content types.

  // Make sure the previous updates have been run. Some people may have been holding onto a really old version.
  // On the one hand, we could tell them on the project page not to do that. But then we get to hear them complain
  // in the issue queue. We're already half way there; I'd rather just take care of it.
  // Load our existing fields.
  $fields = content_fields();

  // Some lazy folks may be upgrading from a pre-video_cck_update_2 site. Bad developer, bad!
  // @TODO: decide if we want to figure this out or force people to update entirely in d5 first...
  //   foreach ($fields as $field) {
  //     switch ($field['type']) {
  //       case 'emvideo':
  //         $columns = array(
  //           'data' => array('type' => 'longtext', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => "''", 'sortable' => FALSE),
  //         );
  //         // The following line will actually trigger (negligible) warnings if we did things right.
  //         // Thus we suppress the warnings. Good developer, good!
  //         @content_alter_db_field(array(), array(), $field, $columns);
  //       break;
  //     }
  //   }
  // Fix any provider variables. Note that we may be updating from a pre video_cck_update_3 site,
  // so we fix those sites too. Shame on them for not updating d5 first...
  drupal_load('module', 'emfield');
  foreach (emfield_system_list('emvideo') as $provider) {
    $test = variable_get('emfield_video_cck_allow_' . $provider->name, NULL);
    $test = isset($test) ? $test : variable_get('video_cck_allow_' . $provider->name, NULL);
    if (isset($test)) {
      variable_set('emfield_emvideo_allow_' . $provider->name, $test);
      variable_del('emfield_video_cck_allow_' . $provider->name);
      variable_del('video_cck_allow_' . $provider->name);

  // </Fancy Hand-Waving>
  return TRUE;