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CHANGELOG.txt in Embedded Media Field 6.3

Changelog for Embedded Video Field (emvideo).


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * Changelog for Embedded Video Field (emvideo).
  4. */
  5. #372094 by Rob Loach | aaron: Experimental support for RTMP streaming servers.
  6. by aaron: Tweak spike's regex.
  7. by aaron: Fix spike's emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link.
  8. by aaron: Fix metacafe's emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link.
  9. #663836 by ressa: Fix typo in
  10. by aaron: Remove provider in favor of Media: Archive.
  11. ================
  12. DRUPAL-6--1-18
  13. ================
  14. #612406 by cityreader: Fix RegEx pattern bug in provider Tudou.
  15. by aaron: Add wmode transparent to YouTube w/ raw flvplayer.
  16. by aaron: Add Kitten Killers to YouTube devel generate...
  17. #601944 by aaron: Fix EM Video 1.4 -> 1.11 update stuck.
  18. by aaron: Add name to youtube object w/ raw flvmediaplayer to avoid IE error.
  19. ================
  20. DRUPAL-6--1-15
  21. ================
  22. by aaron: Valid W3 code for youtube flashparams when using w/ flv player.
  23. ================
  24. DRUPAL-6--1-14
  25. ================
  26. by aaron: Use object tags rather than embed. See
  27. #597664 by kratib: Fixed Parameter 6 to emvideo_vimeo_video() expected to be a reference, value given in /var/www/adhack/live/modules/emfield/emfield.mod.
  28. ================
  29. DRUPAL-6--1-13
  30. ================
  31. by aaron: Add wmode=transparent to youtube.
  32. by aaron: Remove thumbnail support from uStream.
  33. by aaron: Fix google embedded links.
  34. #591700 by aaron: Add new formatters for thumbnails.
  35. ================
  36. DRUPAL-6--1-12
  37. ================
  38. #289722 by marcp | bonobo: Added Voicethread support.
  39. #600310 by apb1991: Added m4v Custom Videos.
  40. #280466 by cogapp_alx | pribeh: Fixed MY Vimeo Not Worky.
  41. by aaron: Add NOEMBED tag to default flv media player output for youtube.
  42. by aaron: Fix link.
  43. by aaron: Add FLV Media Player support to custom url videos.
  44. ================
  45. DRUPAL-6--1-11
  46. ================
  47. by aaron: Clean up youtube to send through emfield's swfobject theme by default.
  48. by aaron: Use all flashvars w/ flvmediaplayer fallback.
  49. ================
  50. DRUPAL-6--1-10
  51. ================
  52. by aaron: Fix display of youtube w/ flvmediaplayer.
  53. #592284 by aaron: Fix botched update for duration import.
  54. ===============
  55. DRUPAL-6--1-8
  56. ===============
  57. by aaron: Add views handlers for duration.
  58. by aaron: Fix malformed updates.
  59. by aaron: Add data hook to
  60. by aaron: Move modal iframe to template file.
  61. by aaron: Update all existing field duration data.
  62. by aaron: Add devel content generate to Vimeo video.
  63. by aaron: Add duration and devel content generate to UStream video.
  64. by aaron: Add duration and devel content generate to MySpace video.
  65. by aaron: Remove jumpcut provider, as they are now dead.
  66. by aaron: Add duration and devel content generate to Google video.
  67. by aaron: Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate for Daily Motion.
  68. by aaron: Add duration data to
  69. by aaron: Refactor theme to supply field duration column data.
  70. by aaron: Add hook for provider data version.
  71. by aaron: Add duration column to
  72. by aaron: Add duration column to fields.
  73. ===============
  74. DRUPAL-6--1-7
  75. ===============
  76. #588452 by Benjamin Melançon | swevel: Fixed phptemplate_get_ie_styles().
  77. ===============
  78. DRUPAL-6--1-6
  79. ===============
  80. by aaron: Add support for flvmediaplayer profiles.
  81. by aaron: Suppress admin_menu from modal iframe.
  82. #491930 by aaron: Place html/head/body tags around modal iframe; add scripts.
  83. #491930 by aaron: Don't load swfobject.api when using YouTube in modal.
  84. ===============
  85. DRUPAL-6--1-5
  86. ===============
  87. #293153 by aaron: Work-around for not being able to paste embed codes.
  88. #552388 by nick_robillard | srobert72: Fixed Default thumbnail doesn't appear.
  89. by aaron: Add wrapper div w/ classes to video & preview.
  90. by aaron: Change modal thumbnail position: relative.
  91. by aaron: Fix YouTube duration and display of such.
  92. by aaron: Fix new theme function names.
  93. by aaron: Fix new formatters.
  94. by aaron: Fetch YouTube duration.
  95. by aaron: Remove the YouTube API secret key, which no longer exists.
  96. by aaron: Change API info for YouTube.
  97. by aaron: Add formatters for link & duration.
  98. by aaron: Honor emfield option for thumbnail play button overlay.
  99. #462170 by aaron: Add support for Shadowbox.
  100. #445742 by aaron: Separate formatters for thickbox/lightbox.
  101. #457608 by brianbrown | Manuel Garcia: Remove Veoh provider.
  102. by aaron: Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate: YouTube, Blip.TV,
  103. and
  104. ===============
  105. DRUPAL-6--1-4
  106. ===============
  107. #370882 by jdwfly | aaron: Fix menu creation.
  108. #542994 by chenba | Rob Loach: Remove emvideo_requirements.
  109. #397802 by jjkiesch: enclosures seem to not be showing up.
  110. #457452 by aaron: Remove API info from Guba.
  111. by aaron: Don't allow spaces in YouTube URL.
  112. DRUPAL-6--1-3
  113. =============
  114. by mikey_p | Dave Reid: Fix emvideo_requirements.
  115. by aaron: Add a 'return_url' option to thumbnails.
  116. by aaron: Add ability to play YouTube videos with JW FLV Player.
  117. by aaron: Rebuild theme in update.
  118. by aaron: Add $options to YouTube theme.
  119. by aaron: Absolute URL's for custom URL's.
  120. #207224 by aaron | seanr: Fix amphersands in HTML.
  121. DRUPAL-6--1-2
  122. =============
  123. May 2009
  124. ---------
  125. * Redo #351145 and fix autoplay for blip in new player (aaron).
  126. * Pass $node to $options in theme functions (aaron).
  127. * Pass $options to theme_video_cck_bliptv_flash (aaron).
  128. * #351145 After upgrade, videos show: Error: Invalid Feed (aaron).
  129. * #459272 - fixed MySpace povider file with new api (junedkazi/alex).
  130. * #374201 - jastraat fixed problem with $enablejsapi param.
  131. * #405596 - ahem85 fixed problem with regex in
  132. * #363287 - q0rban fixed problem with emvideo.install
  133. * #466608 - fixed path to cck's
  134. March 2009
  135. ----------
  136. * We added the provider file, so need to rebuild the theme (aaron).
  137. * Example provider file (aaron).
  138. * Some video codes have a '/' character, so we have to accomodate in the URL (aaron).
  139. * Replace play button w/ 8bit PNG (BrightLoudNoise).
  140. * Fix conflict w/ inline preview & thickbox/lightbox2 (aaron).
  141. * Fix inline preview size (aaron).
  142. February 2009
  143. -------------
  144. * Documentation of css (aaron).
  145. * Add new play button, courtesy of BrightLoudNoise (BrightLoudNoise/aaron).
  146. * Add thumbnail -> video replacement formatters (aaron).
  147. * Always use YouTube's largest thumbnail (aaron).
  148. * #370500 - Rob Loach added flowplayer support for custom url videos.
  149. * #370909 - drewish fixed a conflict between swfobject and thickbox in and
  150. * #370021 Fix module looking for brightcove in (jcmarco).
  151. * Add Lightbox2 support (aaron).
  152. * Add attributes to thumnbails; route thumbnails through theme('image') (aaron).
  153. * #368963 - Remove support for (aaron).
  154. * #303756 - High quality YouTube (benshell/jrfano/VeryMisunderstood).
  155. * #237664 - Adding support for uStream videos (aaron).
  156. January 2009
  157. -------------
  158. * #348357 - jtsnow added support for yahoo music videos
  159. December 2008
  160. -------------
  161. * #339025/moonray - Provide node info to providers take 2 (aaron/moonray).
  162. * Clean up theme_emvideo_video_thumbnail a bit (aaron).
  163. * #345383/moonray - Allow hook_menu() in providers (aaron/moonray).
  164. * Begin token support for thumbnail title (aaron).
  165. * 345538/joe-b - Fix autoplay for youtube previews (aaron/joe-b).
  166. * 345515 - Fix thumbnails with vimeo; remove need for API key (aaron).
  167. * 313973 - Fix problem with &/& in URL structure for myspace (aaron).
  168. * 195783 - solomongifford noted that Vimeo needed transparent mode
  169. * 327052 - dalin made improvements to theme_emvideo_zzz_custom_url_embedded_video()
  170. * 334944 - fixed small problem with Veoh provider
  171. * 334535 - Gyt added multivideo support for thickbox
  172. * 307187 - grendzy added fullscreen support for YouTube
  173. * 339025 - moonray changed emvideo_PROVIDER_video() hook to allow for more info being passed
  174. * 332673 - Jody Lynn fixed a fatal error in the file
  175. * 330176 - beeradb and aaron fixed problem with trailing slashes in urls
  176. November 2008
  177. -------------
  178. * #333365/chrono325: Allow Emvideo to play Google Video links from RSS feeds (aaron/chrono325).
  179. September 2008
  180. --------------
  181. * Comment some code in upgrade to d6 that might cause a complaint (aaron).
  182. * Begin upgrade from d5 to d6 (aaron).
  183. * Add drupal_load('module', 'content'); to install/uninstall process (aaron).
  184. * Placeholder function to upgrade from video_cck (aaron).
  185. August 2008
  186. -----------
  187. * Add support for swfobject to youtube, taking swfobject_api into account (aaron).
  188. #297760 - BenKewell fixed thickbox theming issues
  189. July 2008
  190. ---------
  191. Changed name from video_cck to emvideo to comply with new naming standards.
  192. June 2008
  193. ---------
  194. * Add TODO for thumbnails for (aaron).
  195. * Add placeholder to help with updates after ifilm-spike switch (aaron).
  196. * Move to (aaron).
  197. * Move theme functions to (aaron).
  198. * Implement hook_theme (aaron).
  199. May 2008
  200. --------
  201. * Widget info
  202. * 'callbacks' => array('tables' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT, 'arguments' => CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT, ),
  203. * Allow w/h (and other) overrides to thumbnails and other formatters
  204. * Case 'database columns': return module_invoke('emfield', 'field_columns', $field);
  205. * content_notify in .install files
  206. * Implement hook_content_is_empty
  207. * #261999 - chirale fixed XHTML validation errors in
  208. * #208963 - robomalo + darrenmUK added Vimeo support
  209. * #249255 - ekes added MRSS support to multiple files
  210. * #170799 - ekes added support for google video URLs from '', '' etc.
  211. * #199189 - vsnguyen + Rysk added support for Veoh
  212. * #253389 - Rysk updated Veoh support + added providers guba and imeem
  213. April 2008
  214. ----------
  215. * change 'thumbnail' text on widget settings form
  216. * dailymotion thumbnails
  217. * support for's new player
  218. * added $options=array() to themes for future expansion of options
  219. 2008-03-14
  220. #216796/jhedstrom - extended brightcove support
  221. was changed to to reflect the change in site name and url, and the provider file was fixed.
  222. 2008-03-21
  223. add support for videos
  224. 2008-02-22
  225. #217339/fjen fix myspace thumbnails
  226. myspace now is also
  227. fix myspace to use object instead of embed
  228. 2008-02-17
  229. removed goleft support -- no user contributed videos, and no thumbnails.
  230. add provider views handlers
  231. 2008-02-16
  232. #178299/dalin - modified patch to allow filter by video present
  233. 2008-02-09
  234. #211529 - MrKatz fixed the revver url
  235. 2008-02-07
  236. support for
  237. 2008-01-06
  238. grab random youtube thumbnail
  239. #200435/jhedstrom - default thumbnail when video thumbnail not available
  240. 2008-01-04
  241. remove bliptv debugging printout on node submission
  242. dailymotion autoplay support
  243. added dailymotion support
  244. #181095:alley youtube thumbnails w/o api or requests
  245. #177593:anonymous5190 parse new google embed code
  246. add to youtube & google
  247. integrate with colorpicker module; add border options for youtube
  248. #201855;jhedstrom add color options for youtube player
  249. #184980 cache youtube thumbnails (cache was accidentally left off while debugging)
  250. #173780;alexua - fix 'Cannot find server or DNS Error' in ie6 for youtube
  251. add support for emthumb, so that custom thumbnails may be stored and displayed for videos
  252. 2007-12-07
  253. change url for brightcove to .tv
  254. 2007-10-17
  255. #179454 fix youtube's new &rel=1 url structure
  256. 2007-09-12
  257. better support for's rss (allow overriding type given)
  258. 2007-09-06
  259. added rss support for
  260. added data versioning to allow nodes to save more data, but respect older nodes
  261. 2007-07-27
  262. ignore case when matching video url's
  263. don't show 'show video' on thumbnails if no embed code value
  264. 2007-06-27
  265. clean old variables during install, sorry, new update again.
  266. fix install -- change ncck to emfield
  267. 2007-06-19
  268. add update code to change variables and remove old menu item
  269. require dependency on ncck
  270. 2007-06-09
  271. fixed embed pasting for
  272. added support for
  273. added serialized data array for extra provider-specific node-level data
  274. added thumbnail width/height
  275. 2007-06-07
  276. created 'supported features' sections of settings page
  277. added support for 'related videos' for youtube
  278. 2007-06-05
  279. add 'embed code' filter for views -- note: run update.php to see it
  280. increase maxlength on embed textfield for better embed code support
  281. added support for ifilm
  282. 2007-06-03
  283. began support for autoplay (starting with youtube)
  284. added support for sevenload
  285. 2007-04-25
  286. added support for brightcove videos. thanks, recidive!
  287. 2007-04-12
  288. text link for thumbnail when thumbnail not available
  289. link thumbnails to node view
  290. fix youtube thumbnails
  291. 2007-04-04
  292. some code documentation
  293. 2007-03-24
  294. simplified api
  295. added video link hook to api
  296. 2007-03-23
  297. begin bliptv, but waiting on email re. api
  298. add google, metacafe, myspace, revver, jumpcut
  299. change structure to use .inc files for 3rd party providers
  300. describe api in readme
  301. 2007-03-22
  302. fix bug w/ blank video when no embed code entered
  303. call youtube api to fetch thumbnails
  304. parse video code from the YouTube video URL
  305. 2007-03-14
  306. branch to video_cck for more generic video integration
  307. 2007-02-23
  308. began development for YouTube integration; release as youtube_cck