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function drupal_module_set_weight in Elysia Cron 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 elysia_drupalconv.php \drupal_module_set_weight()
  2. 7 elysia_drupalconv.php \drupal_module_set_weight()
1 call to drupal_module_set_weight()
elysia_cron_help in ./elysia_cron.module
I use help section for admin/build/modules page to check if elysia_cron is the module with the smallest weight. If it's not i'll set it and print a message


./elysia_drupalconv.php, line 119


function drupal_module_set_weight($name, $weight) {
  db_query("update {system} set weight = %d where name = '%s'", $weight, $name);