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README.txt in Eloqua 6

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  1. 8 README.txt
  2. 7.2 README.txt
  3. 7 README.txt
This module expects an existing subscription with If you do not have
a subscription with at this point, please go to and review
purchasing options if you wish to continue using this module.

This module will allow you to create webforms and link them to your existing
eloqua forms.  At present, this module requires you to still set up the form
in both eloqua (using their form builder) and in Drupal (using webform). This
may change at a later date, but will at least provide a more Drupal-esque way
to create forms for use with eloqua.

Webform module (6.x-3.x) must installed and enabled.

You will also need to have generated and downloaded the tracking scripts from
eloqua for this module to behave as expected.

The quick version of generating the scripts is:
1. Go to Automate > Web Profiling and click on the Web Integration tab
2. Expand Visitor Tracking Scripts and click Generata Vistor Tracking Scripts
3. Generate the scripts and download them.

For additional information and a step by step walkthrough, view eloqua's support
for information on how to generate and download those scripts:

Assuming you have generated and downloaded the eloqua tracking scripts as
outlined in "Requirements", copy the "elqNow" directory into
sites/all/libraries.  Once you have done this, the elqCfg.js, for instance,
should reside at sites/all/libraries/elqNow/elqCfg.js.  If that is not the case,
this module will not integrate with eloqua as expected.

Move the contents of the eloqua/elqNow folder to reside in the above library directory.
In total, the three files this script requires are

When creating a webform, a new checkbox should exist on the node add page
allowing you to make the particular webform node Eloqua enabled. After checking
the box, there is an "Eloqua Form Name" field that should map exactly to the
form name on Eloqua.
After you have created the webform and made it eloqua enabled, when creating new
form components (fields), a new field exists for identifying the Eloqua name of
that field ("Eloqua Field Name"). An example of use: your form might have a
First Name field. When you create the textfield for First Name, Drupal assigns
it the name of first_name (webform only allows lowercase alphanumeric +
underscores), but your field in Eloqua might be First-Name. Drupal/Webform will
have first_name as the "Field Key", but you can set the "Eloqua Form Name" to
First-Name so that, when submitted to eloqua, this field maps over exactly as

URL Parameters
Using URL Parameters instead of relying on Token values for the default value
provide a better experience when dealing with compound values that cannot
be expressed simply.

This functionality can be extended by implementnig the function
   _eloqua_form_url_map_{type}($value, &$element)
where type is the webform component type.

When using the URL Parameter functionality to define the default values, rather
than token replacement in the default-value, the following rules are in effect.

 time: Express as a 24 hour value in the format HH:mm.   ie: &t=23:59
 date: Express as an ISO date in the format YYYY-mm-dd.  ie: &h=2010-12-18
 radio: Express as a simple value.  ie: &s=AK
 checkboxes: Use array notation.   ie: &c[]=opt1&c[]=opt2


View source
  1. Description:
  2. ------------
  3. This module expects an existing subscription with If you do not have
  4. a subscription with at this point, please go to and review
  5. purchasing options if you wish to continue using this module.
  6. This module will allow you to create webforms and link them to your existing
  7. eloqua forms. At present, this module requires you to still set up the form
  8. in both eloqua (using their form builder) and in Drupal (using webform). This
  9. may change at a later date, but will at least provide a more Drupal-esque way
  10. to create forms for use with eloqua.
  11. Requirements:
  12. -------------
  13. Webform module (6.x-3.x) must installed and enabled.
  14. You will also need to have generated and downloaded the tracking scripts from
  15. eloqua for this module to behave as expected.
  16. The quick version of generating the scripts is:
  17. 1. Go to Automate > Web Profiling and click on the Web Integration tab
  18. 2. Expand Visitor Tracking Scripts and click Generata Vistor Tracking Scripts
  19. 3. Generate the scripts and download them.
  20. For additional information and a step by step walkthrough, view eloqua's support
  21. for information on how to generate and download those scripts:
  23. Installation:
  24. -------------
  25. Assuming you have generated and downloaded the eloqua tracking scripts as
  26. outlined in "Requirements", copy the "elqNow" directory into
  27. sites/all/libraries. Once you have done this, the elqCfg.js, for instance,
  28. should reside at sites/all/libraries/elqNow/elqCfg.js. If that is not the case,
  29. this module will not integrate with eloqua as expected.
  30. Move the contents of the eloqua/elqNow folder to reside in the above library directory.
  31. In total, the three files this script requires are
  32. elqScr.js
  33. elqImg.js
  34. elqCfg.js
  35. Use:
  36. ----
  37. Form:
  38. When creating a webform, a new checkbox should exist on the node add page
  39. allowing you to make the particular webform node Eloqua enabled. After checking
  40. the box, there is an "Eloqua Form Name" field that should map exactly to the
  41. form name on Eloqua.
  42. Fields:
  43. After you have created the webform and made it eloqua enabled, when creating new
  44. form components (fields), a new field exists for identifying the Eloqua name of
  45. that field ("Eloqua Field Name"). An example of use: your form might have a
  46. First Name field. When you create the textfield for First Name, Drupal assigns
  47. it the name of first_name (webform only allows lowercase alphanumeric +
  48. underscores), but your field in Eloqua might be First-Name. Drupal/Webform will
  49. have first_name as the "Field Key", but you can set the "Eloqua Form Name" to
  50. First-Name so that, when submitted to eloqua, this field maps over exactly as
  51. expected
  52. URL Parameters
  53. --------------
  54. Using URL Parameters instead of relying on Token values for the default value
  55. provide a better experience when dealing with compound values that cannot
  56. be expressed simply.
  57. This functionality can be extended by implementnig the function
  58. _eloqua_form_url_map_{type}($value, &$element)
  59. where type is the webform component type.
  60. When using the URL Parameter functionality to define the default values, rather
  61. than token replacement in the default-value, the following rules are in effect.
  62. Type:
  63. time: Express as a 24 hour value in the format HH:mm. ie: &t=23:59
  64. date: Express as an ISO date in the format YYYY-mm-dd. ie: &h=2010-12-18
  65. radio: Express as a simple value. ie: &s=AK
  66. checkboxes: Use array notation. ie: &c[]=opt1&c[]=opt2